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RE: Will AI Adopt Sci-Fi Laws of Robotics?

in Humanitas6 months ago

Those three laws look solid. But will AI and robotics stick to it? How will the feeling of harm be interpreted to it.


You haven't really read it, have you? ;)

You said The Three Laws of Robotics shine like a supernova, and we should definitely implement them in all AI models we are about to use., the big question remains, how will the feeling of harm and pain be interpreted to this software coated metals. Do you believe humanoids or robotics will ever get there?

We only have LLM currently, as I mentioned in the text. But yes, true AI can handle this.

Will emotions ever be AI and robotic attributes?

That's it friend, simulation will also have some flaws. Think for instance how a robot could be of help to someone who's pretending to be happy. Nevertheless, I must appreciate the effort that has been put in this industry.

Excellent content, robots are made to have limites, they are build by human, but the question lies on the truth that AI, is just a chunk of what had been done .