Well hold on, there's a competition? Why yes, now I get to participate by showing some special photos I took in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion. Never did manage to get around finishing this one, despite being done with the main game. The monsters don't kid around either.
Iceborne is like a game on its own, even if it was a full priced title, it would be worth it. Fact that an expansion can pack up so much greatness, the main story is 3/4 the length and the extra content is more busy time packing to over 200hrs worth of time.
There are two main quests I have to do to takedown two wyvern monsters; a Nightshade Paolumu, and a Coral Pukei-Pukei. Two of the most obnoxious monsters out there. But before I head on to the excavations, I was chilling around the hub in Seliana. Taking a look at the sight of the new headquarters. As well as the inhabitants and their usual business.
Most of the pictures I took came from the Surveyor Set Tool, which opens up a camera and takes pictures for requests. Here is a small part of Seliana, with the canteen on the right. Everything's cold here.
This poor guy is stuck mixing spice in the food, he's obviously sensitive to the smell, so after a few done, he started sneezing. This Felyne isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
With Grammeowster Chef in the middle, the Felynes all at hard work keeping up to her instructions. When I first saw Meowscular Chef's kitchen, I was pretty flabbergasted, this was quite the more affable outlook than the one he had. I've also learned that she was his previous mentor too.
Everybody's getting comfy in the new Gathering Hub, there's quite a lot of eye candy around this place. The sight is something to behold, like geysers and the myriad of creatures also making their habits close to it. The geysers looked great, me and my Palico later took a bath in one as well.
Alright, so the fun and relaxing was over. I already did some of the Survey photo requests, but somehow I keep getting silver grades. I already got gold one from the first. Man, these are hard. Though, not as hard as the monsters I'll be facing with.
Ah, the Nightshade Paolumu, this one put a Barroth to sleep just a while ago, before I creeped up on him, just took a couple of photos of this fella. And then boom, he spotted me. Not only were his attacks relentless, but he can knock me out easily to sleep and then take me out. My gear obviously wasn't strong enough to deal with the sustained damage, but after a rematch, I finally got the guy...with some help.
Then there's this slabber puss, he's the worst. The Coral Pukei-Pukei's shoots a lot of water from both ends, yes you read that right. And those shots are hard to avoid. I would keep taking cover before healing up. But when the going gets rough, he knew how to put me out of my misery. Got knocked out twice before I won.
Ok, I had help both times, I underestimated just how difficult they would be to put down. But this basically means I have to get better gear, ones to deal with both the damage and dish out more at the same time for even the tougher battles. Still, it was a fun time.
I wanted to upload more pictures of the monsters, I even wanted to put one right after the Pukei Pukei was captured. But ah, I was returned to base way too sooner than I thought. I don't know if my MR went up after facing those two, but Guiding Lands has so much to give. I won't rest till I find more, thanks for reading this, now let's see if I could win something 😋.
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