The Lord Jesus Christ says that He is the Way, The Truth and the Life. If we are looking for the right way, we can only find it in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are going to see the true way of serving God by listening to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. There is no other way to serve God or to find God outside the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Bible states that there is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved. There is none. It is only the name of Jesus Christ that can offer salvation to everyone. The power of the word of God has been the only instrument through which we can be saved.
The old path in the Bible is the only path which we must follow. We must not adhere to the new ways which men are making for themselves. These ways of men cannot lead us to God. It cannot bring the solution to the problems of mankind. It is the only one way which is the way which the Lord Jesus Christ established.