I have learned great lessons from the response of Bro Eli Soriano in this video.
That was a wonderful lesson for me. Why we suffer so much tribulations in this world is because of man’s greed. The world is a good place. The world would have been a better place for all of us but greedy people among us turn the world into a miserable place.
In the world, we see people suffering from hunger, loss of jobs, sickness and many kinds of afflictions. These afflictions arise from the fact that the wealth of this world is in the pockets of a few greedy people. People who want to possess more than what they need. People who acquire material wealth out of their greed. Greed causes us the many tribulations which we see in the world.
Bro Eli Soriano told us a very important proverb: THE EARTH HAS ENOUGH FOR MAN’S NEED BUT NOT FOR MAN’S GREED.
That is a hidden truth that we must learn. I learnt from there that God's provisions will always be enough for my needs, not for my greed. What I want (my daily bread, clothings, shelter, etc) will be provided by God. But whatever I long after Out of greed won't come through.
John 16:33 (KJV) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
The Lord Jesus Christ told us that in the world we shall have tribulations but in Him we shall have peace. In this world full of greed, lack of love, lack of compassion and mercy there is bound to be tribulations. In the world which is full of injustice, corruption and greediness, there is bound to be tribulations. But we thank God because He has promised us peace.