Keeping The Family Together. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive4 days ago

The way of the Lord is for our families to live within the limits of the Bible. We should teach our family the way of God. We should teach our children the ways of God. The parents should live according to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. The commandments of God should be our guiding light in leading our families.

To keep our family together, every member of the family must have the fear of God. Everyone must live according to what is written in the Word of God. When we follow the teachings of God, there will be peace and harmony in our homes. We should lay down the principles of God’s Word as the way we want our family to follow.

It is the concern of every parent how to keep his household together. We can train our children by giving them education and teaching them the right norms in society. When we have made our children learn the ways of God, we should ensure that they live and grow together in love according to the Word of God.