We need religion. We should avoid the sentiment and the argument about religion, we need religion. We must accept religion. Yes, we need to accept religion because there is life after this life. After our lives on earth, we shall be heading to where we will spend eternity.
Have you ever thought of what will happen to your soul when you die? Or don't you know that you will die? Everyone living in this world will die one day. The mere fact that you are living is suggesting that you will die. What will be your end?
It is only God who can save our souls. It is only God who will deliver us and redeem us from the destruction of sin. We need God to help us. Because we need God, we surely need religion. We must be reconnected to God because we have lost our connection to Him. We should come to God because that's how we will receive salvation.
Religion teaches us about God. Religion shows us the way of God. Religion tells us what we should do so that we can return back to God. We need God. So, we need religion.