Which Is The Right Path. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive11 days ago

In the world today, men want to do what pleases them. They want to live their lives according to their own way. They are not willing to obey God anymore. Even church members are looking for easy way of living their lives with necessarily following the commandments of God. That is not the right way to go. The right way to go is the way of the Word of God.

The Bible is the only way that we should follow. Every destination has the routes that lead to it. The destination to God has its own routes. If we follow the routes, we shall get there. But if we choose to ignore the route which God has laid down for us, we will not be able to meet with God.

The right way is the Bible way. We must follow through the Bible way. We must do what the Bible says we should do. We must obey the instructions of the Bible. We must accept the doctrines of God. We must obey God's commandments. That is the only right path to follow.


That is the right path

The right path is the Bible which is the word of God.