The Purpose Of Our Existence. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive7 days ago

The purpose of our lives is what God has proposed that we should be doing. God created us for a purpose. The purpose of God is the reason for our existence. We are the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus. We are God's workers who are assigned to do what is good. We are here in this world to do good to all men.

What is this purpose of God for which we were created? The Bible says that God had purposed that we should be doers of good works. So, the purpose of God for our lives is to be doers of good works. We are God’s workmanship for good works.

It is a misplaced priority for us to ignore the purpose of God and pursue our own purpose. The purpose of God is our purpose. There is no product which was created and it's existing without fulfilling the purpose of its manufacturer. God is our producer. We were created for a prescribed reason. Our reason for existence is to do good to all men.


Yes, Gods purpose for us is the ultimate