Is Your Partner Meant For You. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hiveyesterday

Marriage is an institution which God established. It seems to me that it is only God who really knows what marriage is all about. These days, people abuse the institution of marriage. Many people are in marriage for the wrong reason. A lot of people take the marital altar as something very insignificant. That is why we see people who enter marriage and then come out the next day.

Two people who are not compatible should not agree to marry themselves. When people come together in marriage, they should understand that they have an assignment to fulfill before God. Marriage should be treated as a noble institution. Marriage is a sacred union. Those who are intending to go into marriages should understand that God has call them to fulfill an assignment.

The person who is meant to be your partner will help you to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. The purpose of God for every couple is that they should walk together and get close to God. So, for you to know that your partner is meant for you, two of you will serve God together.