Does Man Have Power Over The Future. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive25 days ago

The future is determined by God. The future is best known by. He is the one who put us here. He knows how far we will be able to go. Because he is a all knowing God, he knows what our future will be like. He knows what life we will choose to live. He knows how we are going to live our lives. He is a God who knows all.

That God knows all does not make Him a God who controls our choices. Man will be judged because we all have chosen the path that we are treading. We have the power of will to decide what we want and what we don't want. Our God only direct our steps to fulfill every good path that we choose for ourselves.

As christians, he should know our future. The Bible has describe what our future will be. The Bible has given us the description of what we should expect about our future. It says that it shall be well with the righteous. So, we know that our future shall be well. It is wrong for us to believe in the saying that whatever will be wlii be. No! We can devise our future as the Bible says. We can choose how we want our lives to be.


The future of humanity and how it has been planned is in God's hand ✋

Yes, we can decide our future