If any man as ascended into heaven is a very deep question cause no man as ascended into heaven, altho we see the answer from the book of John 3:13
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
Here the scripture specifically said so, that no man has ascended, except Christ who came down, these particular scripture got me thinking what happened to Elijah who the bible says was caught up by chariots of fire , he didn't die a chariot of fire came and took him, then another case study, Enoch, MOSES and the likes of them who we heard and read in the bible that God took them, I wouldn't know were they will be tho, I guess if Bro Eli can Expantiante more on this topic
It's a very interesting topic cause I really want to learn, you see the bible made mention of the rich man and Lazarus, so it said Lazarus died and went to heaven while the rich man to hell, so the rich man cried n wanted Lazarus to help him with a drop of water to quench his thirst, so I wouldn't know how to place that analogy that's why I would ask of a more expanded teachings on these....
@Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvotes comment and reblog are very much appreciated