in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago

When God who is a spirit tells us of His image we should know that he is not talking about our physical appearance. God is not talking about us looking like him in our two hands or our physical body. No, we do not represent God bodily. We represent God spiritually.

What does God look like? The Bible says that God is a spirit. So, we are in the image of God spiritually. This is why we should not just live our lives in this world blindly not knowing that we have a spiritual destiny. Our body occupies this world; our spirits shall occupy heaven or earth. As spiritual beings, our lives will not just end in this world.

God is Love. So, we have to represent God in loving others. We should live in love. We shall show forth the love of God. We should love others. We should not have hatred for people. We should not have resentment toward another person. Love should lead our lives daily.

God is righteous and holy. He said that we should be holy as he is. We should be holy and righteous. We should live in righteousness and holiness. We should stop doing that which displeases God.