My Treasury of collectibles - in my cottage

in Hive Collectors10 months ago

For the last few days (taking advantage of annual leave) I have been staying in my cottage.
In the cottage that has always served us as a place where we store some things that we rarely or almost never use anymore.
I moved all such things from my parents' home into it, for which there was no space in the new apartment I moved into with my partner.

I always like to say that it's not a storage room, it's:
My place for collectibles from my youth 😀

I was dusting a display case and found my collection of paper money.
It's not any expensive collection, just a bunch of old paper money that reminded me of my youth.

There are a lot of banknotes from three eras of my youth, so I will present "my collection" to you through three stories 🙂

At the time when I lived in the country (that fell apart in 1991.) the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, we paid with these kinds of banknotes.

In those years (before 1991.), we vacationed mostly on the Croatian coast, on the Adriatic Sea, and there I hung out with boys and girls from various European countries.
There were children of Germans, Italians, Czechoslovaks, Poles, Hungarians, some Greeks, Macedonians...

And what was the most interesting for us?
Exchange and collection of banknotes

I can only imagine the expression on the faces of the parents, when they saw what we exchanged our pocket money for...
Like some 1:1 currency exchange, with no idea about exchange rates.
It was important for us that the banknotes were from another country, and that they had a nice picture 😀

And so, as a memory of those carefree childhood days, I have these banknotes left.

Banknotes of some countries that years later became members of the European Union and transferred their currencies to the Euro...

#Italy Lira

#Greece Drahma

Banknotes of some countries that are still on their currency, the only thing is that they are no longer valid...

#Poland Zloty

As well as banknotes of some countries that have separated or united.

The Crown from Czechoslovakia (split into the #Czechia and #Slovakia)

Mark from East Germany (united with West Germany into a #Germany, with the fall of the Berlin Wall).

When I look at pictures of this ship or miners, I always remember with sadness the old Yugoslavia, which fell apart in 1991.

This disintegration and putting these banknotes out of use will bring us a period of too difficult times, times of hyperinflation, in which we replaced these banknotes (I miss the red one with the image of a horse of 100 dinars and the gray one with the image of a girl of 1000 dinars) with a pile of useless paper...
And about that, another time...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone


WOW, after that story, I want to go to your cottage!

What a huge education it would be for a girl from Australia and I think a lot of entertainment too!

Imagine being in a physical environment like you were on Holidays there to be able to swap money with everyone else, so cool and really such an adult think to do, even though you were kids!

So was there much of a difference in the value of each currency back then?
Did your parents freak out?

Oph I can't wait to see what else comes out of your cottage! 😃

I think as an Australian that grew up in a very small country town, it's so weird to think that living in Europe, especially back then, you are sooo close to so many other countries and are able to have such amazing experiences so close to home and we got stuck in that country own and maybe once or twice a year got to go the city for a day or 2...woohoo...

Obviously now it's a bit different and the world is much more accessible..but back then especially in the 70's and even the 80' know what I mean?

You lucky Europeans!

Infact even now, @ph1102 just invited me to Croatia in September for Hivefest and I would LOVE to go, so I just checked out the cost of an airfare and the cheapest one way with 3 stops is $1400 AUD...I might have to sell a kidney on the blackmarket first....🤣...😭...

Thanks for your comment ❤️

Indeed, for people from Australia, Europe is too far for a short tour.
A few years ago, a colleague from the office went to visit his relatives in Australia, so he asked me if he could take 30 days of annual leave. Because in fewer days, it's not worth traveling so much...

If you come to my cottage, I think I could use some help sorting through all my knick-knacks that I've collected over the years.
I will make new posts later about these little things of mine 🙂

I don't know if you listened to #HHHLive from Wednesday, when the topic was "Leaving your comfort zone"?
Then Melinda told her story about her two-week tour of Russia (the first non-continental flight she had from America). I think your impression would be similar to hers.

Just, please, don't sell your kidney 🙂 Although coming to Hive Fest would be worth every penny, I believe there will be online content. It is not the idea that coming to such an event should be burdensome for you, if you are not able to...

Yes it is so far away that why when Aussie do leave home, we leave when we're young, so we can spend years overseas, because otherwise we're paying soooooo much money to fly back and forth, so once you over there, you stay over there for as long as possible.

When I was in my mid twenties, I went over for 3 years and did the USA and the UK and had such a good time there, I didn't get anywhere else.

Now it's time to do Europe and I have soooo many things that I want to go to while I'm over there and Hive Fest is THE most important, but I also really really REALLY REALLY want to go to an annual Mind Valley Uni is in I don't think I'll be able to make it to that one..

So it would definitely be a long trip over there around Europe, with Croatia somewhere in there, either at the start, in the middle or at the end, but probably with the timing, at the start AND probably not till next year...😥

But when I do, I will be at your cottage, sorting, cataloguing and protecting all of your valuables so they last for a long LONG time! I'd be happy to help! 😃 After all, I have had soooo much practice! 🤣

Thanks so much for sharing the #HHH with me too, this is the first time I've heard of it as I have been away from Hive for a few months as my dad died a couple of months ago, so I was spending time in the hospital with him then arranging his funeral- slideshows, music, eulogy, Very happy to be back and Very happy to hear about the HHH too!

I don't think anyone would want me kidneys...They'd probably ask me for a refund! 🤣

I'm sorry about your dad 🥲

I hope you have recovered a little from the hospital stay and the organization of his funeral.
I believe that being here at Hive can help you a lot to take your mind off that event......
A trip, for example to Europe, for that long period, would please you even more, I can bet. as for my cottage, you are welcome to stay, the only thing is that it would be more difficult for me to fit into a longer stay, to be your host, but I think that Serbia (unless you have some relatives here) would not be on the way on your trip around Europe...

Yeah thanks, but when you get to his age- with so many aces and pains and emotional pain like he was experiencing after the death of Mum 6 years ago, it's a blessing in disguise for him. And now he's with mum again, so we're happy that he is happy now.

And yes, you're so right, it has been great to be able to come back to Hive and reconnect with everyone, I do miss it and I miss everyone in the community so much when I'm away from it- especially after being here 4 years in July...

I find that Hive it a bit like an chocolate addiction but not as fattening, I can't stop thinking about it when I'm away and can't get enough of it when I am here! 🤣

And I do have sooo many plans to travel- and soooo many places that I want to get to, Serbia definitely being one of them AND it's not too far away from Croatia is it! 😜🤣
So you just never know! 😃

But in reality, it all depends on the financials and I can't see them being enough to take me to Europe this year, but probably next year and next year is only 6 months away..and that will fly by (again..)

My lease is up in Feb, so who knows....

Infact even now, @ph1102 just invited me to Croatia in September for Hivefest and I would LOVE to go, so I just checked out the cost of an airfare and the cheapest one way with 3 stops is $1400 AUD...I might have to sell a kidney on the blackmarket first....🤣...😭...

Is that $1400 AUD for a round-trip, or just a one-direction ticket? I have some friends in Australia and I know that they pay 3-4K USD for a round-trip...
But, I kind-of agree... Australia is faaaaaaar away... 😃

Only ONE WAY...😓

My place for collectibles from my youth 😀

Your cottage is a dream for all collectors :)))

The good, old miner of 10 dinars... for sure those were very difficult times when all those 0000000 came later... We were more emotionally attached to these banknotes before the 91. The others just shifted too quickly, one could not get used to them and their value was none after just a short time, so new banknotes over and over again. What crazy times

I am wondering about all the collectible treasures you have in that cottage hahaha

I trust you will follow my next posts about the collected banknotes, which are still in my collection at the cottage 🙂
This 10 dinar banknote reminds me of my childhood, because I often had it as pocket money...
I thought it was miner Alija Sirotanovic, but I found later that it was blast furnace caster Arif Heralić.
Maybe this can be a topic for a post? 🙂

I didn't know the name of the miner either, I just remember the feeling and touch under the fingers that the banknote was giving... 😇

Nice to meet you friend 🤜🤛.. of course I enjoyed your post, it's valuable history and memories; how cool that you have these bills, they are very nice, I didn't know these specifically and I really liked them, especially the one in the last picture... it's very cool!!!!

I send you a warm hug Collector friend, it was a pleasure to visit you, have a great weekend 👍😉... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Dear Fernan, thank you for your kind words, warm and cordial welcome to this exceptional community.
Till now i was just looking at the collections of other Hivers but when i remembered my own collection i decided to share it with you in the #HiveCollectors community.
I'm glad you like it.
I promise, there will be more.🙂

I loved your collection! Banknotes have deposited the countries history. Perhaps don’t have economic value but have the power of give us back a lot of memories. ❤️

Dear Paloma, I'm glad you liked my post about the banknote I collected as a boy.
That's it, these banknotes probably have no economic value, but the fact that they brought me back to my childhood... Priceless 😀

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @palomap3 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Wow man you literally made history come alive in my eyes.... So this is what Money used to look like...🫡

So this is what Money used to look like...

I don't know where you are from, but I know that there are countries that have had almost no banknotes in circulation for years. Everything is electronic... That you are not from such a country, the younger generation, so that you rarely have contact with banknotes? Or are some of these banknote from the country you are from?

I don't use banknotes a lot though but.... It's more like a joke statement of what the future generations would say..😂 Just trying to make a joke

Now a joke, in 10 to 15 years children will not know what paper money looked like 🙂
When digital dollars, yuan, crowns, pounds are introduced... The paper will go down in history 🥲
Even today it is rarely used in some countries of the world.

Absolutely ... You're right my friend although I'm still trying to wrap my head around whether that's right or wrong.

I remember these Dinars 😀 there was also 500 (blue grey), if I'm not mistaken,... nice collection!

Oh, yes, I forgot about the 500 dinars. I don't remember what she looked like at all, I have to google it 😃

Those are cool collection and interestingly, comparing to Asia, the paper that are used to make banknotes are similar at least those issues around the 90s .I love collecting currencies and for european curries, I have some including Zloty. I think it's around 1Zloty and a few more laying somewhere. Perhaps, I need to take care of them because down the line,they could be a treasure when I reach 50 or something in like 23 years from today 🤣

You have a lot of time until you are 50 😃

I just another year and a half...

In the next post about banknotes, I have to show some even older than these, which will probably be worth a lot even in a year and a half 🙂