Cuentan que un hombre quería ser hierba; abrirse paso desde el terrón e igualarse, por ejemplo, a la hormiga y exponerse a la hazaña de sobrevivir en medio de adversas circunstancias y enemigos terribles. Estaba convencido de entregarse al mundo en lo sutil, en lo invisible, para hacerse grande entre los pequeños. No reparó en acciones ni en tiempos; asumió su empresa con la solemnidad de quien vive para cumplir sus sueños.
—Un hombre así, —dijo el maestro—, decidido, entregado, se convierte en un modelo digno de imitar y estamos seguros de que hubiera mantenido su propósito por el resto de la eternidad.
—¿Acaso falló en su empresa? —intervinieron curiosamente los discípulos.
—Cómo pudo fallar alguien así, cuyos sueños estaban al alcance del logro.
—Sí, —aclaró el maestro— estuvieron al alcance de un caballo hambriento.
It is told that a man wanted to be grass; to make his way from the clod and equal himself, for example, to the ant and to expose himself to the feat of over-living in the midst of adverse circumstances and terrible enemies. He was convinced of surrendering himself to the world in the subtle, in the invisible, in order to become great among the little ones. He did not stop in actions nor in times; he assumed his undertaking with the solemnity of one who lives to fulfill his dreams.
—Such a man," said the master, "determined, dedicated, becomes a model worthy of imitation, and we are sure that he would have kept his purpose for the rest of eternity.
—Did he fail in his purpose? -the disciples interjected curiously.
—How could such a one fail, whose dreams were within reach of achievement?
—Yes," said the master, "they were within reach of a hungry horse.