Shadow Hunters Contest Entry – Uzmi dve

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 359
Show Me A Shadow


Uzmi dve

Uobičajen i odomaćen izraz kada nekog ponudite bombonama. Uzmi dve znači najmanje dve bombone.

Danas će bombone biti u obliku i bojama omiljenog voća. Može se reći i u Hive bojama.




A sve je počelo ovako.
Pokušaj snimanja makrofotografija...


1. februar 2025.

Bombone su vrlo zahvalni eksponati. Ako niste zadovoljni možete ih pojesti. Čak i kad ste zadovoljni svojim učinkom, opet ih možete pojesti.

Shadow Hunters Contest Entry, #shadowhunters community

Thank you @melinda010100 for creating and hosting the contest!

Have a great weekend!

Be happy, stay healthy!


Greetings @zoricatech ,

What is not to love....these are lovely photographs...sweet shadows!

Kind Regards,


Veliki pozdrav, @bleujay.

Ljubazni ste, kao i uvek. 🙂 Vaši komentari su prepoznatljivi po svojoj specifičnosti i zanimljivi su.

Kako je moguće da posedujete beskrajnu ljubaznost i da na platformi dozirate istu količinu različitim nalozima?

Hvala što ste me podsetili, zasladiću se višnjama i jagodama. 🍒🍓
Pitam se, koliko su slatke jagode na vašim fotografijama? 😊

Sve najbolje!

Greetings @zoricatech ,

What a lovely complimentary reply...thank you.

An interesting answer would be that the source is my Christian faith ...Belief in Jesus Christ...manifested by contentment...which leads to graciousness.

Below is an excerpt from my most recent post.

'The Bible has this to say..'Be content with such things as you have.' Hebrews 13.5 How does one accomplish this 'Contentment'? ... through a relationship with God the Father, who is perfect. Quoting Jesus Christ...'I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.' John 14.6

It is faith alone in Christ alone for eternal life.'

I would add the verse...'For by Grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift from God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.' Ephesians 2.8,9. All Grace....Christianity is not a religion.

Thank you for opportunity to dialogue over your kind query. ^__^

To answer your other query...yes...surprisingly so...the strawberries were tasty and sweet.

Kind Regards,


Wonderful photos of one of my favorite sweets!


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Thank you so much @ladytoken and @melinda010100. 🙂

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, @melinda010100. 😀 🍬🍬🍬

Your shadow photos were much too tempting!

Prijatno! Pojedite ih u slast. 🙂