Antique and beautiful | Church of San Cristobal - Colombia

in Architecture+Design11 months ago

Greetings friends of Hive and the Architecture+Design community, I hope you are very well, I am happy to greet you after a time away for work reasons but it is always good to take a tour of Hive because the good son comes home and I want to show you the temple of San Cristobal, in another municipality of Medellin, a small town in one of the mountains surrounding the capital city of the Department of Antioquia, here in Colombia. Before I continue I remind you that I don't like to enter the temples that have images, it's my thing since I was a child and now I'm an old man of 25 years and I'm still with the same thing but to share with you information of attractive places is worth the sacrifice :)

I also counted with the help of the inhabitants of San Cristobal who are good at giving historical data of their territory and as good Catholics they are very proud to talk about the temple and as an impressive fact I learned that this church is 253 years old, that is something that impressed me because it is a temple that is very well preserved as you can see for yourselves.

Saludos amigos de Hive y de la comunidad Architecture+Design deseo que estén muy bien, me alegra saludarlos después de un tiempo ausente por razones de trabajo pero siempre es bueno darse una vuelta por Hive porque el buen hijo vuelve a casa y quiero mostrarles el templo de San Cristóbal, en otro municipio de Medellín, un pueblito en una de las montañas que rodean la ciudad capital del Departamento de Antioquía, aquí en Colombia. Antes de continuar les recuerdo que no me gusta entrar a los templos que tienen imagenes, son cosas mias desde que era un niño y ya soy un viejo de 25 años y sigo con lo mismo pero para compartir con ustedes información de lugares atractivos vale la pena hacer el sacrificio :)

También conté con la ayuda de los habitantes de San Cristóbal que son buenos para dar datos históricos de su territorio y como buenos cátolicos son muy orgullosos al hablar del templo y como dato impresionante supe que esta iglesia tiene 253 años, eso es algo que me impresionó porque es un templo que está muy bien conservado como pueden verlo ustedes mismos.


It turns out that this temple was built in 1771 and it is a thrill to know that this is one of the first churches built in Antioch and my rejection of these places is dwarfed by the importance and beauty of the architecture, because it is a stronger passion than my fear of plaster gods. I also tell you that this was not a single visit because I had to pass by this temple several days every time I had to travel to San Cristobal because it was not easy to find it open. I had no choice and had to stop more than planned at the church :)

When I spent the days when it was closed I took pictures of the main facade or imafronte and another day to the right side facade, because the left side facade does not exist as you can see and in its place there is a building, it has no header or rear facade.

Resulta que este templo se construyó en 1771 y es una emoción saber que este es una de las primeras iglesias construidas en Antioquía y mi rechazo a estos lugares se queda pequeño delante de la importancia y la belleza de la arquitectura, porque es una pasión más fuerte que mi miedo a los dioses de yeso. También les digo que ésta no fue una sola visita porque tuve que pasar por este templo varios días cada vez que tenía que viajar hasta San Cristóbal porque no fue fácil encontrarlo abierto. No tuve más opción y tuve que detenerme más de lo planeado en la igesia :)

Cuando yo pasaba los días que estaba cerrado yo aprovechaba de tomar fotos a la fachada principal o imafronte y otro día a la fachada lateral derecha, porque la fachada lateral izuquierda no existe como pueden ver y en su lugar hay una edificio, tampoco tiene cabecera o fachada posterior.


The main facade rises with columns, arches, lintels and many ornamental elements that end up exposing the figure of the mother of Jesus and a bell tower where there is a clock.

La fachada principal se levanta con columnas, arcos, dinteles y muchos elementos ornamentales que terminan exponiendo la figura de la madre de Jesús y un campanario donde hay un reloj.



The church is on Calle 62 in town across from San Cristobal Park. The following photos are of the right side facade and the corridor with columns and colonial style arches in front of the church. If you look at the detail of the roof, I like the combination of colors of this temple, highlighting the handcrafted wooden roof of dark color with the white walls combined with reddish color and a kind of yellow color.

La iglesia está en la Calle 62 del pueblo al frente del parque San Cristóbal. Las fotos que siguen son de la fachada lateral derecha y del corredor con columnas y arcos de estilo colonial que está al frente del templo. Si se fijan en el detalle del techo, me gusta la combinanción de colores de este templo, resaltando el techo artesanal de madera de color oscuro con las paredes blancas combinadas con color rojizo y un tipo de color amarillo .




The corridor is not so wide, the square and aligned columns give beauty as well as support to the temple and you can see the information boards that welcome visitors at the entrance.

El corredor no es tán ancho, las columnas cuadradas y alineadas le dan belleza además de soporte al templo y se pueden ver las carteleras informativas que reciben a los visitantes en la entrada.


The carved wooden door greeted me closed several times.

La puerta de madera labrada me recibió cerrada varias veces.


But finally one day you can find the San Cristobal temple open.

Pero por fin un día si puede encontrar abierto el templo de San Cristóbal


The fillegrants are arriving at the church while others are passing by.

Los filegreses van llegando a la iglesia mientras otros pasan del largo.



If I'm going in, I'm already in front of the open door.

Yo si voy a entrar, ya estoy frente a la puerta abierta.



I see three naves, many columns, arches and a central aisle surrounded by wooden benches that ends in the presbytery with the altar and it is beautiful.

Veo tres naves, muchas columnas, arcos y un pasillo central rodeado de bancos de madera que finaliza en el présbítero con el altar y es hermoso.



There are stained glass windows, very elegant hanging chandeliers and many details that always catch my attention in the temples, because they are very decorated places.

Hay vitrales, lamparas colgantes muy elegantes y muchos detalles que siempre me llaman la atención de los templos y es que son lugares muy ataviados.



At the entrance you can see some common elements in these catholic temples: on each side towards the lateral naves there are two marble angels carrying a container where water blessed by the priest is placed.

En la entrada se puede ver unos elementos comunes en estos templos católicos y es que a cada lado en dirección a las naves laterales hay dos angéles de marmol que cargan un recipiente que es donde se pone agua bendecida por el sacerdote.




I didn't want to stay any longer and I say goodbye to this place, but I go back to look at the design of the floor tiles because it looks very nice :)

No quice estar más y me despido de este lugar, pero vuelvo a mirar el diseño de las baldosas del piso porque se ve muy bonito :)


I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Temple of San Cristobal. I bid you farewell until I meet you again. Bye, bye.

Esspero que les haya gustado la visita al Templo de San Cristobal. Me despido hasta un nuevo encuentro con ustedes. Chao, chao.

This publication dedicates 10% to the account @aplusd to support the valuable work being done in this wonderful community by the hand of @storiesoferne, to whom I am very grateful for the support I have received and also the one given to the rest of the architecture lovers. I make this delegation of my own free will and without any personal interest.

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That's good news, thanks @aplusd :)

A well-deserved recognition for you dear @sorprendente. Continue amazing us with your exceptional A+D publications. Enjoy! 😀

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Thanks @pinmapple

Absolutely stunning! The beauty and history of the antique church are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into architectural marvels.

I'm glad you like the church of San Cristobal. Greetings!!

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Thanks @discovery-it!!

I am more interested in the architectural features inside most churches because I don't visit them regularly. A few years ago, the people of our country lost the opportunity to take photos inside the churches due to several bomb attacks on several churches in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. In such a situation, I am more impressed with the ancient church that you have presented.

It is unfortunate @madushanka and I wish that situation is resolved in your country, thank you for supporting my pucblication and I am glad you can see this church of San Cristobal, which is in Medellin, Colombia.


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Thanks blue team 💙

Thanks very much @untilwelearn!!

It is a very imposing temple and has some quite imposing columns and the colors are great.

I'm glad you like the temple, thank you for your visit.

I find the style of architecture of this church interesting, it is not so common in Latin American villages because I see that it has more of a neoclassical style or maybe it has been modified over the years.

Yes, it is very interesting and more because the design of the church of San Cristobal has been maintained, the only new thing it has is the parking area that is seen in front delimited with the fence. I'm glad you like this church. Greetings @wilfredocav!!

Greetings @sorprendente, it was definitely worth your time to visit the church, it has a beautiful design and is well preserved, the facade has beautiful decorations as well as the floor tiles, thanks for sharing.

Happy weekend!

Greetings @belkyscabrera glad you like the floor mosaic, all the details of this church are very nice.