Image is mine
Preparing for tomorrow's service and our forthcoming concert.
Today has been so stressful that I'm just worn out. Our choir rehearsal was extra tough and I basically lost my voice from pushing too hard. Now I can barely squeak out a note. I'm not sure what's up with me lately, but I feel overwhelmed and exhausted.
We've got a big performance coming up so our choir director really cranked up the intensity at practice. It was nonstop drilling of the songs for over 3 hours. I could feel my vocal cords getting fatigued.
But I powered through and kept belting out the lyrics take after take. By the end, my throat was raspy and strained. I guess I overdid it trying to prove I could handle the demands. Now I can hardly talk or swallow without pain.
I know rehearsals must ramp up ahead of a show, but this one wiped me out more than usual. Combine that with other stresses piling up, and my body just feels spent. No energy left to deal with anything more today, getting home I just have to go and take some shower and I would make I make some hot for my throat to come back to normal.
Image is mine
My day job has been hectic preparing for a big product launch. Deadlines are looming so I've been staying late to finish projects, leaving me zonked. Add choir on top and I'm just maxed out, seriously it is not really easy to do that but I just have to do it ,I love God .
Maybe I need to rethink taking on so much right now. My plate feels overloaded but I have been saying no to anything. I end up exhausted trying to do it all,well it is not really my fault ,it is job that things happens like that and you won't be able to explain how it happened.
Or maybe I just need to be smarter about managing my time and energy. Take better breaks, set firm work boundaries, go to bed earlier - self-care basics I let slip away. Easier said than done, but I know I'll burn out at this pace.
With the concert 2 weeks out and also tomorrow's service I've got to get my voice back in shape ASAP. No more oversinging every rehearsal. I'll check in with the director about dialing back the intensity so we stay fresh,I just have to make sure I put myself in check .
Mostly I need to work on decluttering my schedule outside of choir too. My health has to be the priority before my performance truly suffers. Time to pare down and make space to recharge,I really need som rest right now.
This strained voice feels like my body sending a clear signal - slow down and rest! I need to listen better instead of trying to bulldoze through feeling depleted. The show must go on, but not at the expense of my wellbeing , seriously I did not know what to do right now but I really hope I am okay before tomorrow morning.
Thank you for reading my post
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