in Daily Blog3 months ago

Hello, happy day to all. With pink October all the activities scheduled in the city of El Tigre begin to give strength to the awareness campaign for the prevention of breast cancer, and also to support patients suffering from this painful disease.

Hola, feliz día a todos. Con octubre rosa inician todas las actividades programadas en la ciudad de El Tigre para dar fuerza a la campaña de concientización en la prevención del cáncer de mama, y también el apoyo a los pacientes que padecen esta dolorosa enfermedad.

Months ago the registration process for the pink race/walk began and the quotas were already filled before the beginning of the month of October. This is wonderful because it means that enough funds have been raised to support this cause. And on the other hand, the clinics that are working hand in hand with the Pink Race project, have already started the screening sessions for breast pathology, which consists of a physical examination of the breasts to detect any pain or inflammation that could be a warning sign and lead to a more rigorous examination.

Meses atrás comenzó el proceso de inscripciones para la carrera/caminata rosa donde ya los cupos se terminaron antes de iniciar el mes de octubre. Eso es maravilloso porque quiere decir que se han recaudado bastantes fondos para apoyar esta causa. Y por otro lado, las clínicas que están trabajando de la mano del proyecto Carrera Rosa, ya iniciaron las jornadas de pesquisas o despistaje de patología mamaria que consiste en el examen físico que se practica en las mamas para detectar algún dolor o inflamación que determine una señal de alerta y esto conlleve a un examen más riguroso.

This Friday, October 4, the first breast cancer screening day was held at the recently inaugurated Polyspecialistic Day Hospital Center in El Tigre. The Cansaos Runners running club, who organize all these events together with Policlínica del Sur, were in charge of the logistics of this process, and it was a real success.

Este viernes, 4 de octubre, se llevó a cabo la primera jornada de pesquisa de cáncer mamario, en el recién inaugurado Centro Poliespecialístico Day Hospital en El Tigre. El club de corredores Cansaos Runners, quienes organizan todos estos eventos conjuntamente con Policlínica del Sur, se encargaron de la logística de este proceso, y realmente fue un éxito.

Image courtesy of Dr. Adriana Jordan on WhatsApp

Very early the first registered people started to arrive, and it was known that the quota reached 160 patients for this initial process. The organization of every detail, from the convenient location of the patients in order of arrival, the delivery of numbers, the taking of data for the history of each one, the review of blood pressure, weight, height, and heart rate, to the physical examination, was impeccably well organized.

Muy temprano comenzaron a llegar las primeras personas anotadas, y se conoció que el cupo alcanzó 160 pacientes para ese proceso inicial. La organización de cada detalle, desde la cómoda ubicación de los pacientes por orden de llegada, la entrega de números, la toma de datos para el historial de cada uno, la revisión de tensión, peso, talla, y ritmo cardíaco, hasta llegar al examen físico, fue impecablemente bien organizado.

Painfully, because it is something we wish would not happen, there were several cases with anomalies and the patients were transferred directly to a waiting room for a breast ultrasound. Depending on the results of this study, a mammogram, diagnosis and the corresponding treatment would be performed.

Dolorosamente, porque es algo que deseamos que no suceda, hubo varios casos con presencia de anomalías y los pacientes fueron trasladados directamente a una sala de espera para practicarles un eco mamario. Dependiendo de lo que arrojara ese estudio, se procedería a realizar una mamografía, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento correspondiente.

Similarly, the Day Hospital El Tigre clinic announced that another day of examinations, mammary echoes and mammograms would begin this month, at solidarity prices, so that many people can have the necessary studies for screening and/or prevention of breast cancer.

De igual manera, la clínica Day Hospital El Tigre, comunicó que se iniciaría este mes otra jornada de exámenes, ecos mamarios y mamografías, a precios solidarios, con el fin de que muchas personas puedan realizarse sus estudios necesarios de pesquisa y/o prevención de cáncer de mama.

My exam went well, thank God, this is the fourth consecutive year that I have gone to the clinics supported by the Pink Race project to have my preventive exams. I confess that even when every year everything goes well, I go the following year with a little anguish in my chest, I think it is natural, and I know that all those who were there were in the same emotional condition.

Mi examen salió bien, gracias a Dios, es el cuarto año consecutivo que acudo a las instalaciones de las clínicas respaldadas por el proyecto Carrera Rosa, para realizar mis exámenes preventivos. Les confieso que aun cuando cada año de revisión todo sale bien, acudo el siguiente año con un poco de angustia en mi pecho, creo que es natural, y sé que todas las que ahí se encontraban estaban en igualdad de condición emocional.

We should always extend a prayer to God in gratitude, and also in strength and help to those diagnosed with this pathology... but even more important, women of the world, is that we are spokeswomen for this worldwide campaign, so that all of us, without leaving anyone out, are aware of the importance of these exams in a preventive way. Breast cancer is one of the diseases that claims more lives every year. And I repeat my favorite slogan in these cases: “Better safe than sorry”.

Siempre debemos extender una plegaria a Dios en agradecimiento, y también en fortaleza y ayuda a las personas diagnosticadas con esta patología… pero aún más importante, mujeres del mundo, es que seamos voceras de esta campaña mundial, para que todas, sin que quede ninguna por fuera, estemos concientizadas de la importancia de estos exámenes de manera preventiva. El cáncer de mama es una de las enfermedades que cobra más vidas cada año. Y repito mi eslogan favorito en estos casos: “Más vale prevenir, que lamentar”.

Part of the day's team - Image courtesy of Dr. Adriana Jordán on WhatsApp.

Thank you all for visiting my blog, it will be up to a new “Daily Blog”. Happy day.

Gracias a todos por visitar mi blog, será hasta un nuevo «Daily Blog». Feliz día.


All images belong to my personal archive // Todas las imágenes pertenecen a mi archivo personal
The translator used is: Deepl Translator // El traductor utilizado es: Deepl Translator

Contenido Original del Autor
Aplicaciones: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot y Pixiz.
Traducción: Deepl Traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
Las imágenes personales son tomadas con un dispositivo móvil Android Redmi 13 Note, de mi propiedad.
Las imágenes utilizadas en los banners, minibanners, gifs y separadores, son cortesía de Pixabay.
Derechos Reservados del Autor: @annafenix (2021 – 2024)

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Original Author Content
Applications: Canva, PhotoScape, Instagram, Inshot and Pixiz.
Translation: Deepl Translator www.DeepL.com/Translator
Personal images are taken with an Android Redmi 13 Note mobile device, owned by me.
Images used in banners, minibanners, gifs and separators, are courtesy of Pixabay.
© Copyright: @annafenix (2021 - 2024)


This is such a good did, all women have to know about awareness of breast cancer. You did great @annafenix nice post.

Hi. thank you so much.
We need to insist with this campaign to create more awareness.

You get an award from @ecency, Keep up the spirit to be active on @ecency.


What a noble cause, it is good that it is given the necessary importance and the truth is that it is necessary to be well organized for the volume of people who attended.
In part it is sad to detect anomalies but better to detect them at this point to devote time and know well what is happening so you really did very well everything.

Hello, thank you very much. I love the emphasis that has been given to that cause in my area, they are working very hard. I have had the opportunity to attend conferences where some patients share their testimony and that has made me reflect even more. As long as I can, I will be a spokesperson for this campaign to create more awareness.

I love your slogan, "Better safe than sorry"
Going for this kind of test causes a bit of an uneasy emotion with us, but we must continue to know our status.
My heart ❤️ goes to all the people suffering from the disease all over the globe.

Thank you beautiful friend.
Yes, it is uncomfortable and even scary to go through that moment because of the uncertainty of the result, but it is necessary.
This campaign has given so much spiritual strength to so many patients, knowing that they are not alone in this painful process.