Save money so that it can save you, a lot of people do not think about the future, they do not add the future to their plans, whatever they earn is being spent lavishly and it is when all is gone they start regretting their past actions.

A man was lucky to earn a big amount of money. Then he changed everything about himself, and he relocated to a place where he was paying a huge amount of rent, people close to him warned and advised him but he never listened until the money stopped flowing. He had to relocate when he could no longer afford that area, and he also sold his cars... It cost him everything before he realized he had no savings, and he had been spending money to acquire liabilities and not assets.
Having a car is not a bad thing though, as long as you have enough to maintain it, you can't use all your savings to purchase a car, how will you buy fuel and maintain it, you should have times 3 of the amount the car cost before you go for it and most importantly have a steady flow of income.

I will admit that technologies make it difficult for people to save nowadays, there are a lot of things people dream of having that make it difficult for them to save money, we want the latest iPhones, cars, gadgets, and other things that make a home comfortable to live in and all these things comes at a cost and with the present economy, things have become more expensive and this is where we have to stick to the principle of getting what we need and not just everything that we want.
Saving is important, it can save us during emergencies, many people have different reasons for saving, some save to invest, some save to get something they like, and so on, and some people just save for their unforeseeable future which is good because we never know when it will be needed...
Nothing is too small to save, incase you think you are not earning enough to save, you will be surprised how much you can save in 3 years if you save 1 dollar every day, do not be discouraged, just make sure you save something...

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart