Good day everyone, we are thrilled to have so many people joining this amazing platform each and everyday especially from the Hive Tech Conference. We are very honoured to have you here with us and we welcome you with open arms. We know how it is when you are new on the blockchain and very oblivious of what’s going, feeling all left out. That is why we are here to help you navigate the hive ecosystem easily.
The hive blockchain is very particular about creating quality content and so we’re here to help you start on the right foot. We have 7 days filled with infotainment for all newbies. You get to learn and have fun at the same time, how cool is that?
Day 1
We want you to have command over your word count on hive by starting right.
Topic for the day
What do you think is the most special thing about you? What makes you stand out.
NB: word count should be between 350- 400
Day 2
Tags are very important on hive. It’s important to know the appropriate tags to use for the right posts. To know more about tags, click here.
Topic for the day
What’s your pet peeve?
Word count of 350-400words.
Let your first two tags be hiveghana, ghana
NB: usernames are not tags.
Day 3
Markdowns have a way of making our posts presentable and interesting to readers. To know more about markdowns, please click here.
Topic for the day
Let us know in 350 to 400 words what you would do if you found us your parents weren’t your real parents and your real parents were rich people living a rich life in another country?
Apply at least 3 markdowns in your post
Day 4
The hive ecosystem is very particular about originality. We frown seriously on the use AI to generate post and of course plagiarism is also not something we want to see. Click here to know more.
Topic for the day
What does a day in your life look like?(Let us feel so much originality in your entry)
Day 5
One of the important things to do on the hive is to cite sources. It is very crucial to reference anything in your content that is not owned by you. Click here to know more.
Topic of the day
What are your plans for the weekend?
Include at least 3 copyright free pictures in your post and cite their sources. Some copyright free websites are pexels, pixabay, unsplash etc.
Day 6 and 7
Scribble as hard as you can and bring us irresistible contents. Apply all that you have learned from day 1.
General Rules
1. All entries must be posted in the HiveGhana community.
2. All posts should be 350 words or more.
3. All posts should have a minimum of 2 or more images.
4. Put (NJ) somewhere in your title.
5. Use #hiveghana as first tag, #newbiesjoint and any other preferred tags.
Make sure to always engage on other posts in the community.
Once again, welcome to hive! Enjoy your journey and explore all the amazing opportunities this ecosystem has to offer.
Please do well to join us on our discord.