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RE: A Revenge On My Ex.

in HiveGhanalast year

Come play my game and forget about revenge. The game has just begun so its a good time to jump in and have some fun.

Some of the advice you got here from others is very good and I can add one more thing to it:

When you have hateful thoughts for others, it is like a prison for YOU! It is like taking poison in the hope that the other person dies from it! It actually damages you the most. Let it go and free your mind.

I find that the easiest way to forgive someone is to find a reason why they may have done whatever it was they did that hurt you. You might not agree that what they did was just or proper, but by finding a possible reason, I found it much easier to understand and thus forgive. That frees my mind and sets me free.


Thank you very much for these words. I’m working hard to forgive him. Also, what is the name of your game?

Mostly various versions of Zombie Adventure, but also something similar to Minesweeper, called Minefield. For Halloween, we played PumpkinHead and Skyler. If I get inspired and have the time I'll make up a new game to add to the list. My games are the longest-running continuous set of games on the Steem platform and have been migrated over to HIVE when HIVE was forked from STEEM.