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RE: Fractured Bonds.

in HiveGhanalast year

LOLOLOL let me first say.... God help the man that ever crosses you!!! LOLOLOLOL
oh my gosh, lady! LOLOL

What a plan! LOLOL this is all just "if" something bad happens... right? LOL

As always, your posts don't fail to entertain!!!! You are still formidable in your approach to pull the reader in and keep them glued to the screen! hehehehe love it! and love you!!!

(and... would it reunite? never.. but who wants to be reunited with him in the first place? this was war... LOLOL)


Ah! See who we have here. What a pleasant surprise. I saw my notification and I went wild😂. It's been such a long time I read a comment from you so you can imagine my excitement. I'm thrilled my post entertained you and I love your comment.

Like you said, this was war so no place for reuniting. 😂😂. We serve it hot!

hot as hellfire! LOLOLOL

you know what they say... hell hath no fury than a woman scorned hahahahahaha

i don't read as much as i'd like to these days - but i was at my computer when your post came in - and i ran to it! hahahahaha

Awww! Thank you so much for stopping by. It means a lot to me. 🥰🤗