I just finished a 6.705km running that lasted about 0hh:33mm:06ss !
Still catching up in posting the updates, but my training is still going fairly well. For that run, I knew I would not run for long because once again nightfall was almost upon us. So I tried to significantly increase the pace, right from the start. As often, it slowed down a little bit, especially on the third mile. But I was really glad to see I could really pick it up for the last mile or so. In the end, with an average pace at 7:56 min/mile, it was my fastest run so far this year. Like the title says, it was the first time under 8min/mile this year, which is actually my target pace for a 10k (going in steps till the final target distance: half marathon). I was obviously short a few kilometers, but it's still encouraging.

The really high heat and humidity, along with the typical thunderstorms for that kind of weather, prevented me from running as much as I wanted the following week. But I didn't give up, and like I said, the training is still going strong. More updates soon.
Keep Exhausting!