I just finished a 5.972km running that lasted about 0hh:33mm:11ss !
During that run, I could hear Negasonic Teenage Warhead telling Deadpool 'Fuck, you're old'... Not only did I feel old, but heavy, tired, slow and did I mention old?...
In my defense, it was my first run since last October and the Detroit half marathon. By the way, I had almost prepared a post for it and everything, then I forgot to finish and post it, and eventually it was just too late to post it months later. To make it short, the last few runs leading to the race were a very mixed bag of sensations. While some of them actually gave me good hope, a couple of them really worried me with back pain, knee pain, ankle pain, and terrible stamina! In the end, the race went better than I thought, but quite slow. For the first time, I went over 2 hours for a half marathon. 2 hours and 6 minutes if I remember correctly... But considering my training and the conditions, I felt it wasn't that bad, and I could probably get back under 2 hours for the next one if I trained a little bit. We'll see in October...
As for today's run, it was mostly a test of course. I wasn't looking for long distance and even less for fast pace. But I've been lazy long enough, it really needs to change! Well, I've been saying this for months now. Finally today, I was done with the long daily walk with the dog early enough to add a short run to the day's activities. And the sunny weather helped for the motivation I guess. The temperature creeping up into the low 60s didn't though. I'm a cold weather person, sub-freezing temps are my favorite. But I can't complain yet, I will for sure this summer when we hit 90F and above.

Like I said, it was a slow run, and progressively slower, as I quickly got tired. The good news is that except for a little bit of shin splits, and tight adductors, I didn't feel any particular pain. That might change tomorrow and the next couple of days though. By the end, I was actually getting a second wind, and could have run longer. But let's not overdo it just yet. I have a hiking trip coming up in about 3 weeks, I don't want to ruin it.
Now, let's see if I can get back into a routine and if for the first time I can actually start really training earlier than just the last few weeks before the half marathon.
Keep Exhausting!