I was struggling until I had this breakthrough.

in EXHAUST10 months ago

This week was challenging. My digestive health has been worse than usual and that always (negatively) effects my mood.

While I've been ticking things off within my business--serving clients, creating content and doing necessary admin tasks--I've been struggling to celebrate my own wins.

While I've been receiving income for work I enjoy far more than most people do, I've been struggling to appreciate it.

And while I've managed to still include walks and/or short runs and/or some kind of strength training every day, I've been struggling to feel good about it.

None of it has felt it is enough. I have felt too slow, too stuck, like I'm getting nowhere (despite actual evidence to the contrary).

Then something magical happened today.

Despite continuing gut issues and being rather uninspired about going to an Obstacle Training Event this morning (I'm usually excited but this time I only went because I had already paid), I discovered that my slow but steady upper body training had paid off.

This obstacle is called the Twister. It's like a lateral set of monkey bars that twists while you're on it!

When I first started training for obstacles about six months ago I struggled to hang on for even two or three bars.

By the third (or fourth?) event I managed to do the entire way across once, just! I was stoked!!

Today, two months later, after already doing about an hour of other obstacles I managed to cruise my way across once and found it... relatively easy doable.

I had three others watching me and they saw me cruising so they immediately shouted out to "go back again". I'd seen others do this so their calling out wasn't a shock and I immediately got what they meant, even though I was still hanging and swinging on these twisting metal bars.

So I did! With my hands still in the bars, I switched direction and went back to the beginning again. Totally doable!

Who would have thought?!

Not me. Not the me of 5 am this morning. Nor the me of earlier this week. Nor the me of two months ago.

But this breakthrough in strength reminded me that our little consistent actions matter.

Even when we feel like we're getting nowhere.

Even when we feel too slow, or too stuck, or too small.

Even when we feel like we're not doing enough.

All of it counts. All of it.

So if you've been feeling stuck with something in your life may this story offer you a glimmer of hope. Things can change and they probably will if you keep doing the things you know you need to do.

{Photos taken by Pauline, the gym manager. Used with her permission.}


Get well soon! I used to struggle with gut issues but found out that if I eat breakfast the latest by 11am then my problem solved. Also, when I was very vulnerable, just stuck with low FODMAPS food for several weeks and viola! Take care!

One thing I’m sure about is that no matter how slow it may seem to be, we will surely get there if we are consistent and that’s why consistency is the key.
Anyway, I wish you a quick recovery. Get well soon
