What does this mean?
Are you sitting comfortably on your couch in Ilirska Bistrica, letting the nature watering your garden and just waiting for a favourable opportunity to drag the crypto treasure, the blockchain, the Christmas presents and whatever else seems to be within reach into the depths of the Slovenian underworld, where Hades is already greedily waiting for the handover? 😮🙄
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On the contrary, my dear @w74, I'm still afloat and frantically guarding my crypto crumbs so that it doesn't all disappear in the cauldron of the so-called, I call it, 'biggest Balkan vukojebina' in which I live ...
'biggest Balkan vukojebina'
To mi je poznato! Moja nećakinja je tu izreku isto upotrijebila - jer joj je iz Zagreba do nas potrebno sat vremena vožnje.
Ali svi koji to misli, nemaju pojma!