Our nature are abundant of many wonderful species of insects and bugs. Today morning I encountered one sucb amazing species of insects which I never seen before. At first it appears to me a Green leaves of pine tree. But where, I lives, there are no pine tree around. This makes me to have a closer look to find a bug or call it insect, which looks like a plabt leaf fallen on the ground. Anybody would have confused finding it on the floor. It was quite amazing in shape and size. They are built to disguise anybody.
I didn't wasted much to time explore and pick this up using a peepul leaf. The Leafy appears to be scary and I was not sure, what it actually was. I never seen them before. I was be cautious in picking it up and turning it upside down It comes out to be a caterpillar.
On further Investigation over the internet, I learned about these barron caterpillar. A "Baron" caterpillar, which is the larval stage of the Common Baron butterfly, is typically a vibrant green color with a yellow stripe running down its back, allowing it to effectively camouflage on mango leaves. Where these found, we had a big mango tree. These has a somewhat hairy appearance with "false legs" that resemble leaf veins, making it look like part of the leaf itself.
Honestly finding these with naked eyes at any green grass or leaf is not possible. I have detected it on a hard surface, so easily traced it. These were not harmful, and have scientifically known as Euthalia aconthea. This is considered to be common in Indian subcontinenet, but i saw it first time. It is a natural marvel that appears like a leaf. It is classified as an insect within the butterfly category.
In good faith - Peace!