Death to the Penny

in The Man Cavelast month


You might have missed it in the overwhelming barrage of executive orders, courts over turning them, and Trump and Musk defying the courts and doing them anyway, but somewhere in there was an order to stop the minting of the US penny. Say it isn't so!

...wait a minute. Say about time, instead! The penny has been completely worthless for years, well over a decade or two. The penny has so little buying power that it isn't worth the time for even a poor person to pick one up.

The previous lowest coin was the half-cent. It was withdrawn in 1857. The stated reason was that the buying power of it had fallen so low that it didn't make any sense to mint it anymore. How much buying power did it have at the time? In modern money, about 15 cents. 15 cents! Yet the US mint considered that too little to continue minting. By that logic, not only should we stop minting the penny, but also the nickel and the dime.

Ah as a coin guy, it pains me to see how mismanaged it all was. They should have stopped minting the penny in the 1950s, should have withdrawn the $1 bill and switched to dollar coins only. Then around the 80s, they should have introduced a $5 coin and stopped printing the banknote and meanwhile should have stopped minting the nickel. We could still have a handful of coins with the same buying power as we always did, but by being stuck in tradition and never wanting to update things, it all fell apart.

Oh well, doesn't matter. Even in Japan, cash is dying and everyone pays with credit, debit, or one of the many digital payment options.

Aside from the low buying power argument (which didn't actually factor in Trump's decision), there is the fact that the penny requires 3.69 cents to make. Doesn't seem to make much sense there...


Incidentally, the nickel costs 13.77 cents to mint, so it isn't doing very well from a cost performance standpoint either. Like I said, the US should have eliminated both of them a long time ago....

Across the ocean, Japan stopped minting the 1 yen coin a few years ago. At the time the coin was roughly equal to the penny, tho it has fallen to roughly half a penny since. They really need to stop minting the 5¥ coin next... But baby steps, I suppose, on both sides of the ocean.

Anyway, what do you guys thing? Good decision? Bad decision? Pointless decision?

Hi there! David is an American teacher and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Mastodon.

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lol... What Trump announced is only a "Distraction"... It's not that we won't be using Pennies... We will need our Copper Coated Zinc Pennies for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins... I'll tell you this much... Once we're on the "other side" of the U.S. Monetary Correction, a Pound of Copper will only Cost us about a Nickel... Think about how many Copper Pennies we can make from a 5 Cent Pound of Copper... We'll probably be returning to our older version of 95% Copper Pennies, since they hold up better than the Copper Coated Zinc Pennies... When we return to "Sound Money" a Penny will have the "Spending Power" of one of today's Fiat USD'... A Nickel will have the Spending Power of Five of today's Fiat USD's and the Dime will have the Spending Power of Ten of today's Fiat USD's and so Oh boy... It's true that we won't really need Pennies, since we will be issuing our new Paper Coinage that will range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents... If you really think we won't need Pennies, then why do you think "We the People" will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our U.S. Crypto Dollars and Cents...???

I hope you're right!

If I'm not right, we're in Big Trouble...

Yeah, this is one that I can't say I don't disagree with. If he is able to pull this off I might actually be a little impressed. Someone should have done it a long time ago.

haha yeah one thing I don't disagree with. Maybe the only one so far.


Wherever he got those figures from is wrong. While I don’t disagree with eliminating them. It costs way less than his numbers shown to produce. Look at my reply to him.

The news said something like $.17 That seems high to me, but I don't really know.

That appears inevitable.
My stack of Canadian and US copper pennies will make a comeback in commodity value alone though our penny has been demonetized since 2015. MY son was in Japan two summers ago and came back with a delightful fistful of Japanese coins as souvenirs to add to my coin collection.

It's funny you mention that. My kids have small pill containers of US coins they've picked up or been given on previous trips. I told them to look for pre 1982 pennies to see if they have any pure copper ones. That bought me an hour of quiet time 😅

Oh cool about the Japanese coins. I hope he got you some good ones!

I don’t know where you got those figures from but they are way in accurate. A penny didn’t cost that much to make even when the pennies were copper. Same with the nickel, they took the nickel out in 1980.
I just grabbed these from a CNN report from two days ago.




I pulled that graphic from abc news. But I'm confused by what you write, because the photos you shared show the exact same costs as the one I shared. 3.7 cents for a penny, 13.8 for a nickel, 5.76 for a dime, and 14.7 for a quarter. Am I misunderstanding something?

I suppose these coins hardly circulate anymore. All these coins are already in the homes of #coppernickelstackers

The day will come when $100 in U.S. Pennies will get me a "Circulating" One Ounce, $100 U.S. Gold Coin...

Looks like trump is worst than my president over here 😃

I think the nickel needs to go on the chopping block too. It's really about time the penny disappeared though. If they would have produced some pretty coins for the dollar and then a five dollar I think they would have done well. But like we've discussed they just don't make pretty coins anymore. And the one dollar bill is almost a joke in it's buying power.

The death of cash is slowly happening, it will never fully go away but with more and more electronic payments the need for large amounts of cash is going away.

Yeah. I mean I can kind of understand wanting to preserve this distinction of coins for cents and banknotes for dollars. But our urge for clean distinctions doesn't agree with reality, and we really should have kept updating our coins to higher values if we wanted them to stay relevant. Oh well.

I was just talking with my wife about the Japanese 500 and 1000 yen coins, how they're worth $3 and $6.50 respectively. I said that I predict the US will stop printing one dollar bills and release all those 2000 Sacajawea dollar coins that are currently sitting in storage. Also stop printing 5 and 10 bills, and produce new $5 and $10 coins. Maybe with Trump's face on them!

I think the penny has stuck around so long as a psychological operation for the masses, an assurance that we haven't submitted to currency debasement, that a penny still has enough buying power to be worth minting and circulating. But now the facade is over, the psychological operation has been deprecated and the public will have to accept that today's "dollar" is yesterdays' "quarter".

You can still buy some tacos with change in your car.... it'll just be $1 and $5 coins.

The ¥1000 coin is only for commemorative purposes unfortunately and isn't generally circulated. Though we do really need one in general circulation, because with inflation, that ¥500 coin is rapidly becoming much less useful than it once was.

Yeah I agree with you for why it stick around. I think also the mint was stuck on the idea of not rocking the boat. No new bold designs, no bringing back lady liberty and beautiful designs, no experimenting with coins for other values than what we've always used, just maintain the status quo. Even though they could easily bring back a $2.50, $5, and $10 coin and that would still be tradition since we had coins at those values at one point.

I agree with you, a great first step would be finally stop printing the dollar banknote and release all the coins in storage. Get rid of the $5 and $10 next, but at the very least do that first step.

But no one at the mint wants to rock the boat.

With USAID shutting down, and major cut-backs all over the place... the boat is being rocked. Time to get things done! !BBH

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From a nostalgic and collector pov, I'd miss the penny. But from a practical point of view, it really should have been terminated September of 1982, when the US mint abandoned the copper penny and replaced it with a (fake) copper-coated zinc penny.

Another perfect (and graceful) time to end the penny was 2009 at the 100 year anniversary of the Lincoln cent. I remember 2009 when there were various new designs considered, one being disqualified because of it's uncanny resemblance to German coins minted during the rise of the Third Reich.

Come to think of it, all of our current change is fake:

Fake copper penny (really zinc)
Fake nickel (really 75% copper)
Fake silver dime and quarter (really copper clad)
Fake golden dollar (really copper)

You forgot to mention fake Fiat USD's... Our Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Dollar Coins will still have Legal Tender Status, long after the Paper Fiat Dollars are removed from Circulation...

Depends... if the US is able to right the ship quickly enough and we avoid a hyper-inflationary situation. Then the intrinsic value of coins would be cost many, many paper "notes".

I have a feeling with this fed dismantlement, we may topple this house of cards by accident. A country propped up 40% by fraud, will devalue 40% by removing the fraud.

I hope you're not cashing in your Piggy If you want to cash anything in, cash in your Fiat USD's for U.S. Coinage...

Totally agreed. I will miss it, but that also won't stop be from applauding something that should have happened a long time ago.

Yup, it's time to put the o' Lincoln CENT to bed. !BBH

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