Image is mine
I had this group of friends and we gained admission together. Among all of them I'm close to one and for privacy purpose, let us call her Prisca.
Prisca and her sister lived in the same town with another of our friend named Success. Whenever we go on holidays, Success Father usually comes to pick her up. One time, Prisca and her sister desiring to save some money, pleaded with Success to join her and her dad back home of which Success accepted.
Everything was going well and we all came back from the holidays, then I discovered Prisca was doing some funny movements and when I asked, she'll look for ways to avoid giving me a detailed answer.
We were usually free with our phones but then Prisca started hiding her phone from me and even passworded it. Whenever we want to travel, no matter the location, we'd always inform ourselves for security reasons. But Prisca started traveling without informing me where she's headed.
At a point, people started noticing something was off with our friendship as I could no longer give account of Prisca's whereabouts in her absense. I didn't know what I did wrong and Prisca wasn't saying anything. She kept on with the secrets until she had a fall out with one of her course mate/friend and she needed my opinion. I could feel how comfortable she was narrating her ordeal with her course mate to me.
After her narration was when it all made sense, the secret, the sneaking around and all Prisca's funny movements. Apparently, Prisca wanted to transfer to a public Uni as ours was a private Uni which got too expensive for her uncle and he could no longer meet up with the finance.
It was during Prisca's narration that I discovered she was having an affair with Success father. Prisca had reached out to him for financial help but instead of being honest, she lied with her sister's name that the school fees given to them, her sister got robbed on her way from the bank and lost hers. Prisca got her course mate/friend Queen to play her sister as the man insisted on confirming the story from the sister.
Queen played the game as instructed by Prisca perfectly and Success father released half a million Naira to Prisca's account to sort out the whole money issue. Prisca immediately started processing her admission to the public Uni and Queen having been knowledgeable of the money, started blackmailing Prisca. Queen was demanding for a sum of Hundred thousand Naira as her cut despite knowing the purpose of the money.
As angry as I was at Prisca for betraying Success like that, I couldn't judge her but instead focused on the matter on ground with Queen. In the end, I interceded and pleaded with Queen for her to accept whatever Prisca could afford and she agreed.
Everything got sorted out with Queen and thinking that the problem was over, Prisca got duped with the admission. Her hope of transferring schools dashed. She also could not pay up her existing fees as according to her, her uncle couldn't meet up for her and her sister.
Exam was drawing near and I was processing my clearance card. I rushed to the cyber cafe to photocopy some of my documents and receipts for clearance then I bumped into Prisca's sister, let's call her Princess.
"Hey babe, what's up, how are you?" I greeted Princess as I scanned through the papers in her hand. "What brings you here?" I questioned again still trying to figure out the content of the papers she was holding.
"Oh nothing much, I just came to do some photocopy". She waved the papers she was holding at me, she dropped her hands and I got a proper look at the exposed receipt and saw it was for school fees. Before I could ask her further questions, she hurriedly left the cyber cafe. Immediately, I brought out my phone and sent Prisca a message expressing my disappointment on how I just saw her sister processing her clearance with her fees paid and she was yet to do the same.
I fired at Prisca for lying about her uncle not paying up their fees and accused her of squandering hers.
Barely a minute the text message was sent, Prisca called me with lots of questions. I myself got confused as she seemed not to be aware that her sister's school fees has been paid.
"Where are you please?" Prisca questioned with a panic undertone immediately I picked up. She continued, "I need to see you please because this is not a phone conversation."
"It's not about seeing me Prisca because I don't want to see you". I responded angrily.
"Wow! So you think that my uncle will send us money for fees and I'll squander mine? Is that how irresponsible you see me as?" I didn't know the best response to give to her after that question so I just told her where I was..
Prisca rushed to meet up with me and the moment we were seated, she bombarded me with lots of questions on how I knew about her sister's fees payment. After my narration, Prisca was quiet for long, when she finally spoke, it was an outburst on how her sister was also having an affair with Success father.
To say I was shocked is an understatement. In Prisca's outburst, she narrated bitterly how she has been excommunicated by Success father because the man caught her in the scam with Queen.
"How did he manage to find out?" I finally spoke after being overwhelmed with all that sensitive information.
"Don't mind that wicked Queen." Prisca thundered with blood shot eyes. She continued, "after the whole thing, Success father called Queen later on to find out how far she has gone paying up her fees and preparing for the exams.
He had called her by my sister's name and Instead of Queen to play along, she told him everything and even went as far as to sending him my sister's number when he requested.
I do not know the conversation he had with my sister but he called me afterwards fuming with so much anger in his voice. He called me a thief and all manner of unprintable names. He also made reference to some personal stuff only my sister knew about, which now made sense with this school fees that she paid.
When he was done venting, he warned me never to contact him again and disconnected. I tried calling back but discovered that my number have been blocked"
"Oh my God! So you mean despite the money you gave to Queen she still rat you out?"
"My dear people are just wicked. I don't even know who to be more angry at, Queen or my sister for taking advantage of the situation and moving in on my man." At that point, I felt pity for Prisca.