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RE: A Leader’s Commitment: Three Rules for Progress and Unity

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

it would be like the wealthy people would contribute more to the well-being of society. I would love to see no discrimination between the people living with one another.

Hmm but I think for many cases it's poor people that are lacking the education or they don't really try to get out from there. They get stuck in that mindset and loop and to be honest, that's how society was designed. It's kind of sad but that's how it is. Like we need that yin and yang. You can't have good without evil so I think poor and rich is just like that. If everyone is rich, who would do the unwanted things like being a plumber or garbage man?

Of course it varies from country to country. Some countries don't have enough opportunities so to close the gap increasing the opportunities would be good but if the poor people aren't stepping up to get out, then I don't think we should punish the rich people for that. In addition to that, rich people have businesses and they are contributing to creating more jobs through this and some do charity as well so how much do you want them to contribute to society exactly? Of course not all but I think most rich people are contributing to society; I could be wrong though.