Reflecting on my way of being has led me to a question: am I a tenacious or stubborn person? Since I was a child, I demonstrated remarkable persistence in pursuing my goals, however, I must admit that that same determination can border on stubbornness at times.

When I set a goal I cling to it with tenacity, persistence is my driving force, driving me to overcome obstacles and difficulties, I do not give up easily, even when frustration is present, that tenacity has allowed me to achieve important achievements in my life, from successfully completing my studies to overcoming professional challenges, however, I recognize that that same tenacity can turn into stubbornness.

In my eagerness to achieve my goals I can lose sight of other perspectives or alternatives, I cling to my original plan even when circumstances suggest a change of direction, this inflexibility has generated conflicts and frustrations on my path, in my case, the key to Finding balance lies in awareness since I am aware of my tendency to be stubborn. That awareness allows me to analyze each situation carefully, evaluating whether my tenacity is based on conviction or mere obstinacy.

I also recognize that my goals, although ambitious, are realistic and based on prior analysis, I do not embark on impossible projects, which increases my success rate, however, when things do not fit the time or the way I I had foreseen, is when my tenacity falters and stubbornness threatens to take control. In those crucial moments, the intervention of my girlfriend, a friend or family member is essential to help me see the situation from another perspective. The external voice allows me to reconsider whether my position is a product of tenacity or stubbornness, allowing me to readjust my approach if it is necessary.
In short, I consider that tenacity and stubbornness are two sides of the same coin. In my case, awareness, planning and receptivity to other perspectives help me maintain a healthy balance between the two, allowing me to achieve my goals without falling into obstinacy.