Compute As Currency: Is This The Future?

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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In this video I take a look at the idea of compute as currency.

With the advancement of AI along with the expansion of the digital world, how will things look with AI and robotos generating the largest percentage of economic output.

This means current metrics will not suffice in the new economy. How are things going to transition going forward? This is something worth thinking about.

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I agree that this is a topic that needs to be discussed more. AI and robotics have already taken a lot of jobs, and we expect more in the future as the technology gets better. I think compute is an interesting idea, although I can see how it can be very limiting. Not a lot of people have good computers/machines, so they will already be at a big disadvantage. Another one, is that a lot of people are already having difficulty making ends meet. Having to purchase a good machine for compute might not be an option. Will the earnings from the contribution be enough to not only support one's needs, but to also have some extra to save up for a replacement?

I still think that a UBI would be necessary, at least to support the basic needs.

Absolutely. Compute + Energy will be the new currency! BTC is a huge help because it is able to turn excess energy and harness it into a rock-solid asset!