Soft porn is back, and I like it!

in LeoFinancelast month

Remake of Emmanuelle

It was on of the worst movies ever made back in 1972. But still the movie Emmanuelle broke records. 385 million people went to see it in the cinema, and it played for 13 years straight in the cinema in Paris!

A lot had to do with the zeitgeist of that period, people loved the free fought woman Emmanuelle, ghe character Sylvia Kristel played in the movie. And boy was she beautiful. It was very soft but sexy, and that was what people liked.

Today needs Emmanuelle

In woke times, with the #metoo movement in mind, the uptight society where a naked boob on TV is almost a crime, Emmanuelle is what we need. Hopefully the remake will be as sexy as it was in the seventies. Because we have to admit, the world needs some sexiness again. And by that I don’t mean “pride” parades. But some beautiful women on on screen! Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Free the tittie!

Vive Emmanuelle!

