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RE: Process completed for CUB to Leo Conversion (Cub Burn)

in LeoFinancelast year

Do you also have vexPolycub?


No mate. I only had cub tokens

You are lucky. You don't need to wait for those to get unlocked to finish the burning process and get the LEO airdrop.

I agree as tokens were not locked as I was able to unstake immediately. what is the unlock period ?

About 100 days. But I contacted support and they have set aside my LEO airdrop for the time when it'll be possible to unlock and burn them.

I have Vexpolycub too but going through the process is very stressful. I might just let it go.

I expect it won't have much value or use case after unlocking, other than to burn it and get your LEO for it. But you'd have to contact support now, or they won't set aside the LEO airdrop for you until the tokens can be unlocked.

I expect it won't have much value or use case after unlocking

I also think the same but good to have airdrop in form of leo token.

That's true. I know people don't like that Cubdefi and PolyCub are being sunset, but the Leo airdrop should compensate for the Cub/pCub funds, which is far better than most defi-s offer as they die.