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RE: A quiet palce day 1 : "The value of a pizza" - Un Lugar es Silencio : "El valor de una pizza"

in Movies & TV Shows7 months ago

I haven't seen this part 3 yet, but I have seen the movie 1 , which was very good, but when they made a movie of part 2 , it was kind of weak, something was missing, But I immediately liked how the movie 1 ended, It would have been great if the movie 2 had continued on the same small farm.

BUt I try soon see this movie 3 also , JUst to be sure to know how good it is ;)


Yes, the first one actually does have an impact more related to the extraterrestrial theme. This one, although it also talks about an invasion, touches other fibers or themes. I particularly liked it very much and also because I love alien movies.

Uh.. this month comes out one good Alien move , I hope you can soon look this one 🤭😜👌👌👌☕