While I was reading you and remembering my mother, she never made a distinction between us and with these lines of yours I have understood where the so called differences could be, which basically are centered, as you mentioned, that each child is a unique human being.
My mother, in terms of affection, was the same, to scold us the same, and if she thought of buying something, if there was not enough for both of us, she did not buy it, and if she brought something they were the same, she could change the color because she knew the tastes, but otherwise they were identical things for both of us.
A hug for you, my beautiful friend, you are loved. Today I will also be publishing my memories and experiences as a mother.
Mientras te leía y recordaba a mi madre, ella nunca hizo distinción entre nosotras y con estas líneas tuyas he entendido dónde podían darse las llamadas diferencias que básicamente se centran, en como has mencionado, que cada hijo es un ser humano único.
Mi madre, en cuanto cariño, era igual, para regañarnos lo mismo, y si pensaba comprar algo, si no había para las dos, pues no se adquiría y si traía algo eran iguales, podía cambiar el color porque conocía los gustos, pero de resto eran cosas idénticas para las dos.
Un abrazo para ti, mi amiga bella se te quiere. Hoy estaré publicando también mis memorias y experiencias como madre.