Good morning, loyal friends who are active in this beloved community❤️, lovers of walking and exploring the forest, have a nice day.
Last night I climbed the hill, enjoying the beauty of the hill with my friend, therefore this morning I came back here again with all my friends, to show some photos of the scenery, which I got on the hill last night.
Last night, precisely on Saturday night at 01.00 in the morning, my friends and I went to a very beautiful hill located in a remote village, namely Juli. I went with my friends to find peace at night and spent time on the hill until morning and the view presented was really not disappointing, really beautiful and amazing.
I went with my friends on Saturday night to go around the city of Bireun, because it was late at night I remembered the very beautiful view on the hill, with extraordinary lights, so my friends and I decided to go up the hill, to enjoy its beauty until morning.
On the hill at night it was very dark because there were no lights, on the way up the hill I had time to take a pamphlet, along with a path leading to the top of the hill, and a pamphlet, which contained the name of the hill.
Look at the appearance of the pamphlet that I took, even though I took it at night but I managed to take the writing very clearly.
This is what the pamphlet looks like on the road, and the writing on it. I took some photos, while I was climbing the hill.
after that I immediately continued my journey to climb to the top hill, not long after I arrived at the top of the hill which is the last peak, and the first thing I did was look for a place to sit, to rest for a moment, I stopped at the hut on the last peak hill.
at the last peak there is a hut and has a very comfortable seat, to enjoy the beautiful lights of the housing of Bireun city, at this last peak you can see the housing with very beautiful lights very clearly, and in this hut there are also chairs, for people who are visitors, to sit and enjoy the beautiful view from the last peak down.
the view of this hill is indeed very beautiful and many people know about it, the beauty of this hill is truly amazing, my friend and I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the hills last night, and I was very entertained with my friends while joking and laughing enjoying the beautiful scenery, because I was very entertained, I also want my friends who are always active here to be entertained, with some photos of the hill view, which I captured with my friend last night, the beautiful display of housing lights from the last peak, which I enjoyed last night with my friends.
this is what the appearance, the appearance of the beautiful lights from the top of the last peak looks like.
That was the beautiful view from the last hill that I enjoyed last night with my friend, the view is really beautiful, isn't it?
My friend and I enjoyed it while chatting, joking, and laughing, and soon the day began to get bright which was already pointing at 07.00 in the morning, the person who owned the cottage where we stopped to enjoy the night view was awake, I waited for the day to be really bright, and could enjoy the very clear view, I also ordered coffee while waiting for the day to be really bright.
While drinking coffee, not long after the clock was pointing at 08.00 in the morning, I saw the view was very clear, I immediately took some photos of the cottage, and the view next to the cottage where I was relaxing, so it looked very clear.
I also took some photos next to the hut on the right, with a very beautiful view, and there was a pamphlet attached there.
The view at the top of the last hill on the right side of the hut looked beautiful.
and see the beautiful view on the left, and there is a motorbike parking area, and a view of the cottage and cottage area.
I have taken some photos on the last peak hill, I immediately took my motorbike in the parking lot, and made my way home, I went down one hill, I wanted to see the beautiful expanse of rice fields, because the expanse of rice fields that I saw was very tempting in its beauty, I stopped for a moment to take some photos, the expanse of rice fields and the changes that were very beautiful.
this is the beautiful view, from the expanse of rice fields, that I saw was very amazing.
Next, I continued my journey home, down some more hills. I saw a very beautiful view there. I stopped with my friend to take some very beautiful photos. The beauty was amazing.
I will show here all the views I took, as I walked down the hill.
I really do not regret spending time from night to morning on this hill, because my friends and I were really entertained enjoying its beauty and did not disappoint me with the scenery that I enjoyed, its beauty really makes you not want to go home, and try to see for yourself how beautiful the scenery of the hill is, which I show above, I am really very entertained of course I want to entertain my friends who are always active with me here, hopefully with the presence of some photos of natural scenery of the hills, which I enjoy from night to morning with my friends, you all can also be entertained by enjoying it.
all the photos of natural scenery of the hills that I show above with you here, I took using a camera ...
Camera used | ponsel redmi note 7
| - | - |Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO
Focal length | MM
Photography | Landscape
Photographer | @suarlex
My name is Samsuar, often called Suar by my friends.I am a #photographer I come from Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh. I am a village boy who loves to explore nature, loves to travel and loves to tell stories about what I get, so this Hive blog is the perfect place for me.
Okay guys, that's all I can tell you about my journey enjoying the beauty of the hills at night until morning, I hope you like and are entertained by the presence of several photos of natural scenery of the hills, which I have displayed above.