Amidst the lush landscapes of Bali lies a tranquil escape from bustling cities: Blimbing Village. Recently, during a journey from North to South Bali with a group of clients, we stumbled upon this charming village and decided to make a delightful stopover.
Situated amidst rice terraces and clove plantations, Blimbing Village greeted us with peaceful ambiance and breathtaking vistas. We found ourselves at a rustic restaurant offering warm hospitality and a delightful array of dishes.
While I indulged in the local favorite, chap chai, my clients savored spaghetti, nasi campur, and French fries. The food matched the captivating surroundings perfectly.
From the courtyard of the restaurant, the view was stunning: there were terraced rice fields stretching out in front of us, carefully carved into the landscape and bordered by tall, majestic clove trees. The scene was filled with vibrant Bougainvillea flowers, their colors adding bright beauty to the scene.
In this peaceful setting, we noticed a lone fruit bat hanging nearby. It was free and not tied down, and sometimes it would flap its wings gently. We learned from the restaurant owner that this bat was a local resident, and they often gave it sweet drinks like Coke as a friendly gesture.
Our visit was brief, but Blimbing left an indelible impression—a place where natural beauty harmonizes with tranquil simplicity. Whether you're a nature lover or seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations, Blimbing Village promises an unforgettable experience.
Next time you're in Bali, venture beyond the usual tourist spots and uncover best-kept secrets like Blimbing—a place where every corner reveals a new facet of Bali's natural beauty.