Source Manuela Cutileiro, the current 5th generation owner and "matron"
For just 2 euros, I spent a magical hour wandering around this wonderful establishment, I was even offered a guided tour in the price, which I declined as I prefer to meander at my own pace snapping away.
So please come see what I saw and marvel, laugh, or just understand why I loved this place.
The Doll Hospital
Praça da Figueira, 7
1100-240 Lisboa
Pediophobia: An irrational fear of dolls.
The eyes are the window to the soul, come enter my darkness
The hospital was founded in the 1830's by Dona Carlota Da Silva Luz it started life as a shop selling medicinal herbs and teas.
The lady was also a skilled artisan and made an abundance of rag- dolls for the local children, becoming so popular with the locals that her shop became known for its dolls.
Over time the children would bring her their own dolls to be repaired, and so the doll doctor and her hospital came to be.
The hospital is still owned by her descendants, now the 5th generation are carrying the business forward
Business is thriving, there is apparently a waiting list for surgery in excess of 4 months. Still that's a lot better than the shit Welsh NHS.
Coulrophobia: The irrational fear of clowns.
The vast majority of patients at the hospital for treatment are from Portugal,
Though they have been know to arrive for treatment from all over the world.
Political interlude.
"Health care tourism"...... non-UK residents travelling to the UK with the specific intention of using free at the point of use NHS services.
It is estimated that the government spends about £1.74BILLION per year of British tax payers money on ‘deliberate’ health tourism by foreign visitors and illegal migrants who’ve ended up being treated whilst in the country.
A fucking disgrace.
Shelves and glass-fronted storage drawers store a wonderful and weird collection of doll heads and other harvested parts that have been collected over the decades; "The donors"
Don't ya just love this little fella. Must be on the pull
"Hello handsome come join us we hava jiggy jiggy foursome, let's get your dickie bow spinning."
Strangely some owners never return to collect their dolls, resulting in the hospital amassing one of the world’s largest collections, some over 100 years old.
You will not sleep, we will invade your darkest hour, prey to your chosen god, if you wish, he will not be there for you....but we will be.
Your soul belongs to us
Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2).
Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated.
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