Vacations have already started and to enjoy them, last weekend we went cycling with @elbuhito along the Costanera Sur in Buenos Aires, taking advantage of the nice weather and the fact that the renovations were finished, so we invite you to join us on this tour.
Aunque Buhito casi se muere por andar demasiado en bicicleta luego de varios años sin hacer ejercicio, este emplumado la paso genial rodeado de naturaleza, casi que se sentía como en su hábitat.
Although Buhito almost died from cycling too much after several years without exercise, this feathered bird had a great time surrounded by nature, he almost felt like he was in his own habitat.
While we had some delicious hamburgers for lunch, Buhito was looking at the lagoon and the ducklings, anxious to get into the reserve and get lost in the trees.
Luego de un divertido recorrido por la reserva dejando al búho atrás porque ya no daba para más, llegamos al rio. Había grandes modificaciones, pero la verdad que estaba mucho más bonita que las ultimas veces que la visitamos.
Buhito tenía ganas de lanzarse al rio para nadar, pero la playa estaba cerrada y prohibido el acceso al agua, claro que algunos le restaron importancia e igual nadaron en las turbulentas aguas, pero Buhito solo se limitó a contemplar desde la distancia porque le daba miedo que una ola lo arrastrara.
After a fun tour of the reserve, leaving the owl behind because it was too late, we arrived at the river. There were big changes, but the truth is that it was much nicer than the last times we visited it.
Buhito felt like jumping into the river to swim, but the beach was closed and access to the water was forbidden. Of course, some people played it down and swam in the turbulent waters, but Buhito just watched from a distance because he was afraid of being swept away by a wave.

Cuando nos decidimos a regresar, casi dejamos a Buhito en el medio de los árboles porque se sentía a gusto y en su hogar.
No sabemos qué paso después, pero cuando lo estábamos dejando atrás, escuchamos un aleteo y resulta que a Buhito le dio miedo quedarse solo ahí y que se lo comiera alguna serpiente, así que volvió arrastrándose.
¡No es tan valiente como aparenta ja,ja,ja!
When we decided to go back, we almost left Buhito in the middle of the trees because he felt comfortable and at home.
We don't know what happened next, but as we were leaving him behind, we heard a flapping sound and it turns out that Buhito was afraid to be left alone there and get eaten by a snake, so he crawled back.
He is not as brave as he looks ha,ha,ha!
Una de las nuevas refacciones que queríamos visitar a como dé lugar, era un nuevo puente que atravesaba la laguna, así que antes de partir a nuestro próximo destino, caminamos un momento por allí y la verdad que fue una experiencia más que relajante y hermosa.
Aunque hubo un pequeño percance:
- Dejamos las bicicletas en la entrada al puente porque no se podía atravesar con ellas, y cuando estábamos volviendo notamos que un grupo de personas pensaron que no eran de nadie y se las estaban llevando, casi nos quedamos a pie ja,ja,ja.
No paso nada, pidieron disculpas y las devolvieron, eran bicicletas del gobierno y creyeron que estaban disponibles para usarlas, puede pasar.
One of the new renovations that we wanted to visit at any cost was a new bridge that crossed the lagoon, so before leaving for our next destination, we walked for a moment there and the truth is that it was a more than relaxing and beautiful experience.
Although there was a small mishap:
- We left the bikes at the entrance to the bridge because it was not possible to cross with them, and when we were returning we noticed that a group of people thought they did not belong to anyone and were taking them away, we were almost left on foot ha,ha,ha.
Nothing happened, they apologized and returned them, they were government bicycles and they thought they were available for use, it can happen.

Estuvo todo muy lindo, salió todo de 10 y ya era hora de partir a la próxima parada: el Museo de Ciencias Naturales, no se lo pierdan en la próxima sección.
¡Gracias por tu visita y nos vemos en la próxima aventura!
It was all very nice, everything went great and it was time to go to the next stop: the Museum of Natural Sciences, don't miss it in the next section.
Thanks for your visit and see you in the next adventure!

📷 Fotos tomadas por @elbuhito
📷 Separador editado en Photoscape
✏️ Texto escrito por @elbuhito traducido con DeeplTranslate versión gratuita
✏️ Letras creadas con el Conversor de letras online
🎥 Video editado en Filmora por @aibi93
🎙️ Sonido BEEP
▶️ 3Speak