Emma works in Farmaco Ltd, an animal feed production factory. Their feeds and other allied products are always of the best quality and in great demand. Many farmers prioritize their feed over others due to various reasons ranging from high quality yields, quantity and affordability.
Emma usually weigh the bags and the sachets before shipping them out for the final consumers, that is, their buyers. But having conquered the market, Emma's head of production told her not to scale the bags anymore. He tactfully reduced the quantity of the feed bagged and that will affect their weights if Emma scales them whenever their customers come for purchases.
Scaling has always been done at the point of purchase to confirm what is sold or shipped out for sale. This new trend of 'not to scale' anymore made most of their customers to become suspicious but they could not voice their concerns.
However, one of them summoned the courage to insist that his goods be scaled. Reluctantly Emma agreed and scaled a few bags and to the surprise of all their weights became far lesser than what they usually weigh. He did not raise any alarm. Instead he immediately reduced his orders and went away with a few bags. This was quite unlike him.
In a matter of weeks, other farmers got wind of this ugly incident and started reducing their orders. And this in a long run started affecting sales and income of Farmaco Ltd. An empire that was built over the years started to crumble overnight.
A Five Minute Freewrite: Not To Scale