Five Minute Freewrite: Deep groan

in Freewriters2 days ago


Max, a cattle rearer embarked on the expansion of his ranch. The present citation of his ranch will not be enough for the expansion. He decided to acquire more hectres of land in another location, this time close to the swamps. In fact, most of the lands he acquired were reclaimed lands.

That also gave him the needed grounds to plant improved varieties of grasses in the ranch. Few months after the acquisition, he moved all his cattle to the new location. At first, they were not at home with the new environment. Each night, most of them will stray into the neighbouring farms and even people's compounds. This made Max to fortify his barricades the more.

But that was not enough as the animals kept growing both in numbers and sizes. One day, a male cattle broke the hedges and ran towards the swampy areas. It got stuck and could not move out. Max as usual came in at night to take stocks of the animals. He noticed that one was missing. Intuitively, he went out towards the swampy areas and searched discretely for it.

It was as if the cow was waiting for its owner to show up. It cited Max and let out a deep groan. That deep groan touched Max who hastened up to see what was the matter.

On getting there, he saw that the animal was deeply stuck in the ground. But with the aid of shovel he was able to free it. The cow was already weak and could not walk. Max used his cart to convey it back to the farm.

A Five Minute Freewrite: Deep Groan


Max is a hero for saving the cow.

Yes he is. He loves his animals too and wouldn't stand them being in pains.