Review: Hivechess Tourney Round 9

in The Chess Community5 months ago

Today, the Hive chess brothers played Round 9 of the Hive chess tournament. As usual, it was filled with quite a number of blunders, mistakes, errors, strong openings, and devilish checkmates. Unlike my previous games, the network today was pretty good and I owe that to the fact that it didn't rain today. The environment was silent, allowing me to pay hundred percent attention to my games. Tonight, I played eight games. Out of those eight games, I won 5 and lost 3. The 3 games I lost were against strong (higher rated players): Stayoutoftherz, FCastro17, and Rosmarly. I really wanted to get paired with @masterswatch, but unfortunately, things didn't go my way. As usual, I’ll be reviewing my games in this post.


I got paired with Fiona777. I played the King’s Pawn game: Napoleon Attack. My game against Fiona777 has to be my best game of the night. Not because I didn't make blunders, but because I delivered a smooth checkmate. I'm pretty sure my opponent didn't see it coming. Our openings were strong enough- he attacked aggressively and captured two of my pawns (he was up on materials.) Fiona played nice moves, unfortunately, he blundered his black bishop and I took advantage of the game from there.


Next, I played Rosmarly- my first loss of the night. Although Rosmarly is one of the strong players in this tourney, I have won a few games against him, so I didn't fret at all. I don’t know how it happened, but I misclicked and he captured my pawn. I moved my pawn to E4 instead of E3. His pawn was on D5 and he captured it. I was really frustrated and started to play silly moves from there. He checkmated me in a brutal way.


My third and fourth games secured me yummy points. Next, I got paired with wagnertaman. I'm not sure if he is a new player, but I'd never played against him ever. Although this player’s rating is lower than mine, he played some nice moves. Maybe he would have won the game if he had utilized his time well. When he noticed he had little time left, he started playing blunderous moves. My advice? Utilize your time well- don’t waste too much time thinking on a move.

I started my game with Migmag with a misclick. I made a total of 3 misclicks yesterday. Luckily, his pawns were not close to capture my material. Things were going well for the both of us until I promoted my pawn to a queen and the tides of war turned in my favor.

GAMES 5, 6, 7 and 8

My next games were against FCastro and Stayoutoftherz. I lost both games. I don’t know why, but I always blunder whenever I play against Stayoutoftherz and today was no different. I started my games with FCastro with the same misclick.

Below is my game against my next player, Darruiz.

Thanks to him, and of course, my super moves, I secured my fourth win. He blundered his QUEEN. I expected him to resign immediately after that, but he didn't. After a few moves, he did. Finally, I secured my fifth and final win against Stranger27.

Overall, I played nice games tonight- I lost only 3 games against strong players. Sorry, @masterswatch, it seems I’ll be keeping my position for now. Better luck next time.😂


@justfavour don't worry im coming 😝🫢, see you soon!