It started as a visit to the World Press Photo exhibit at Dovzhenko Center in Kyiv. But it was the last sunny day before a long row of cloudy and rainy days. Yesterday, October 29th, +15 C! I thought I could improvise and change my plans a little. There is a large, beautiful park nearby, the largest park in Kyiv. It sometimes looks more like a forest. Indeed, it is a forest massif mainly of natural origin with a few ponds on a creek, hills and ravines, and solitary half-abandoned buildings of unknown purpose. I thought it would be nice to stroll here while the sun is high. The exhibition is artificially lit anyway.
I have driven past this place hundreds of times but I have never walked here, and in vain. It wasn't crowded considering the working day but every bench overlooking the pond was taken. Mummies with kids, elderly people, young couples. Some people were feeding ducks and pigeons.

I decided not to stop here and hit one of the trails. The straight one. Let's see where it takes me.

This is the former cafe of Crimean Tatar cuisine "Bakhchysarai" named after the city on the Crimean Peninsula. It is not working now.
Another small and picturesque pond with a magnificent reflection of fall colors.
By this time, I went deep into the park. And here I had a choice - to turn back or go further along the path that was going up all the time. At the end of this path, the park ended and the botanical garden of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine began. I have read about this park but have never been to it. Entrance is free, but it is open only on weekdays. Great chance! Later it turned out that it was a good choice.

The walk to the botanical garden was incredible! It is worth a separate post.
I returned to Dovzhenko Center when the sun was going down. And... bummer! The exhibit is open from Wednesday to Sunday. What a pity! At least, the great walk is my reward.
I didn't want this day to end in failure. My husband said in the morning that he would be able to leave the service not too late today, so I called him and offered to drink beer together before going home.😉 He also needs to relax sometimes.

Many thanks to @tattoodjay for hosting my favorite challenge.❤️