I know. I may have promised no further posts involving temples, but I find myself being dragged ever deeper into this alternative and surreal universe. I can't save myself! Also, as in the UK where community events often happen around the church, it's the same thing here. It's all just a bit more bizarre that's all! A bit? A lot. A whole lot more!
Crowds had gathered. The police had sent not one, but two of their best to control the traffic because today was the day that our local temple, Wat Don Thup, had its annual fundraiser.
To be fair to the in-laws, it's exceedingly rare they give us a strongly worded summons to an event, but this was one of those days, and as the wife and I escape from most family and temple affairs, we thought we'd better make an effort this time.
How it works is, the temple volunteers lay on a free meal for anyone who bothers to turn up (are you getting the 'lays on a free meal' vibe in almost every #thailife post?!), in this case there must have been over a thousand people, it was packed.
People then turn up with cash gifts. Not just envelopes with a few notes in them but intricately created flowers and trees made from tissue paper and cold hard cash.
There is of course music. There's even a 'band'. Then everyone creates a procession (another common theme!) walks, sings, whoops and dances around the entire temple three times, has a bit more to eat and drink and then goes home.
All that's left to do is leave the most hardcore volunteers to do the washing up and sort the recycling waste to sell later for a few extra quid to add to the kitty!
I think I've covered it all so without any more ado, there will now follow some random pictures from the morning's event with some rather irreverent commentary. Video at the end!
Last point. I get really embarrassed taking photos when there are people in shot so it's usually a very quick point and click but looking back after, I suddenly realise I get some really great, unguarded moments!

Parking was at a premium. It was a very good turnout. Some people even got dressed up for the occasion...

...but obviously not the guy in the 10-year-old 'Beckham 23' shirt in the right of the photo.

I'm not exactly sure what was going on here. A mass blessing perhaps? Whatever it was, the girl to the right with the roots issue was certainly pointing the finger at someone!

Oh deary, deary me! My father-in-law is on this photo. Seriously, WTF are they wearing? This is the band. Have some self-respect will you, pops! It's as if there had been a manufacturing error in the gay-pride flag factory so the outfits were sold off cheap! There probably is some Buddhist reason for the colours but I'm too far gone to care!

I'm now at the back of the procession on its first lap...

...meanwhile at the front of the procession, the old girls are leading everyone in a version of the Hokey Cokey... "You put both arms in, both arms out..."

So, donations are often made and collected in the form of a tree onto which you stick a 20 or 100 baht note or if you're really splashing it about, a purple 500Baht (£12GBP, $16USD). Imagine trying this in the precinct in front of St. Giles in Pontefract...

Thinking of becoming a monk? Many Thai guys do a month just as a rite of passage and here you can buy your very own robes for just 299Baht (£7.00 gbp, $9 usd). That girl in the middle is looking daggers at me!

The serious part. Temples have mostly got a school attached to them. Theres a bit of snobbery involved, especially in Bangkok as they are free schools and considered the lowest of the low but are hugely important to help families who couldn't afford the normal choice of schools with fees. The kids here all got the morning off to join the fun after walking up to the temple in procession (again!) from the school gates.

Fill yer boots folks, it's all free!

Nothing sets the nerves jangling as much as being bustled by a thousand people past an open pan full of boiling oil.

That's it fellas, keep that beat. The lady in purple is doing a sterling job of standing on one leg whilst using her mobile!

This is the head monk who has his own residence. The rest of the lowly monks sleep mostly in dormitories, I believe. I think he's just chilling out and checking how much he needs for a new golden pagoda!

Second time around the block. They look as if they're flagging a bit now! I think the guy in green has won the prize for best fancy dress perhaps?

Whenever there are more than 4 people gathered, lottery ticket sellers magically appear and crowds at temples are rich pickings as the people get their fortune told before rushing over to the sellers to buy the corresponding numbers!
Like I said, the smiling lad in blue looks like he's cracking off a swifty under his lottery tray at the thought of how many tickets he's selling!

We did an hour. Kept the in-laws and the rest of the family happy and then made a hasty retreat. In, out and back home to start work all before 10am!
Yes, that is the wife and her mother at the end, doing what they do best!
That's it for my Wednesday Walk! In all honesty, another fine example of what makes such a strong local community. I may take the piss a little, but I have every admiration for the dedication and spirit that my local neighbours and family display.
I hope you're all having a momentous week and have lots of great plans for the weekend.
Best wishes and thank you for dropping by