Hello Friends, and Welcome Back!
This is #wednesdaywalk #9 of 2025! Spring is in the air, and I am hoping you had a Blessed and Safe Wednesday and, Thank You for your visit!
And as always A Big "Thank You" to @tattoodjay for runnung this - "Thank You to you"!
Well friends for #wednesdaywalk this week I wanted to share with you all the signs of spring I could find today! And it was a very #aliveandthriving day so I got quite a few examples!
So early in the day when I was at the old house I was noticing all the signs of Spring and decided it would be a good direction to go with this post! And first off, the Tortoise next door came out to say "Hi"!
And their dog "Lola" as well! No matter how she looks, she is a real sweetheart!
There was Primrose blooming in the yard,
And these "Phacelia" which are blooming all over and are a little smaller than the Primrose,
And "must be" tastier to Bees! So I followed this one,
Trying to climb in this one!
And here getting ready to (and did) take off!
The Shrimp Plant is starting to bloom as well,
And I found these "Daisies" I nwill call them, as they have many names - but are in the Daisy family,
And a single,
And when I got home this Anole came out as well!
I think that it was being friendly! Another photo from the planter,
And that was early to mid-day today!
I want to thank you again for your visit and wish you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe Week!
Please Take Care of Your Loved Ones - "All - Ways"
All photos property of @lesmann
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