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RE: Between Oaths And Ethics.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Yes , it's a difficult topic, and I also think the suspension of his license was too harsh, yeah, they could have done something like slashing his salary and donating.

But there are major concerns. What if a greedy relative has power of attorney and persuades a doctor to do it in order to get an inheritance ?

This also is another thing and I kinda get why that law was put in place in the first place.

there's a scandal brewing on that, where doctors have been reportedly assessing patient's cognitive ability (a key part of making the decision on whether to put them on the pathway) after administering strong sedatives. More importantly, with the government clearly seeing pensioners as a cost to be reduced by any means possible (including increased taxes and removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance), how long before "right to die" becomes "obligation to die" ?

Like seriously 😳? Wow I have no words.
I don't even know what to think anymore now.
