The Celebrity Conundrum: Achieving Fame Is Easy, Maintaining It Is Hard

in Hive Learners5 months ago

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With the rapid fast technology now day we seen many people become famous over night. Some time some video goes viral and that become the reason that some one comes into lime light even no one was know him a day ago. Such famous personalities are become vanish also with the same peace they come to market. Now days becoming a celebrity is not a big deal but keeping the same status over time is the big deal. I still remember one sentence told by one of my close friend past - Come to number on position is not a achievement, continuing to the number one position is the main challenge. In the same way become a famous personality is not a big thing in todays time even by doing controversy you may become the famous but the real achievement is if people know you for years and years. And this can happened only if you has really good skill and the hard work. The short cut can only gives you the short time fame.
In my opinion some one who is famous because of any reason and he is not doing anything good for the society then he is not worth it. The celebrity has a good fan following and that make then special in my opinion. They can do many things for the betterment of the society. They can do the miracles if they want to.

I am not a kind of person who is crazy about some personality, yes I do like one famous personalities but I am not a die hard fan of them. I am not the one who following every movement of them, what they wear, what the eat, where they go etc. Its their life and their decisions why should I getting worried, any thing that worries me is if any of their action effects me or my surrounding. If this is not the case I do not give any damn. The celebrates always surrounded by their fan when ever they go out of their house. That is kind of situation I avoid always, I do not like the crowd and that is also one reason I do not want to be at the place where any celebrity is.

If i have to mentioned some one them I will like to mensioned two names - one is Ravi Singh and second is Siddhu Moose Wala. If you heard about the Khalsa Aid them you must be knowing the Who Ravi Singh is?

Khalsa Aid is an international NGO with the aim to provide humanitarian aid in disaster areas and civil conflict zones around the world. The organisation is based upon the Sikh principle of “Recognise the whole human race as one”.
Khalsa Aid, founded in 1999, is a UK based international non profit humanitarian organization providing support to victims of natural and man made disasters around the world.

Ravi Singh was born in 1969 and working as a Sikh humanitarian since 1999. He initiated the Khalsa Aid charity in 1999. They has two long term programs - Focus Punjab & Langar Aid.

Focus Punjab as name suggested to to focusing on Punjab region of India and Langar Aid is dedicated initiative to provide emergency food & water supplies in disaster & war zones.
They are doing a wonderful work in Iraq, providing the shelter and food to the refuges.

Sidhu Moose wala was the famous singer and I like him because of his hard work and the lyrics of his songs which express the situation of todays world. He was singer as well as write also. Almost all his songs were written by himself only. Sidhu Moose wala was shot dead in May 2022. But he is still live with his songs and will be. He is one of the most successful singer in such a younger age. He was also very passionate about the development of his region. He was so much famous that he has fans all over the world even he sing only Punjabi songs. I have seen many videos in which his fans form different parts of world play his records and give the tribute to him.


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Hmm, you were right, if one is famous and doesn't impact the society in any good way then he or she is of no relevance.

I am not also a die hard fan of any celebrity though I like a few too. The persons you mentioned really caught my attention especially the one that was shot dead. Normally, people who say the truth don't usually last. His killers might think they succeeded, true he is dead yet he lives because his messages will never die.