Balance In Parenthood

in Hive Learners11 days ago
Parenting is a very demanding aspect of life, generally accepted. Some weeks ago I saw a tweet that said "we are complaining of adulthood when parenthood is coming". It actually made me to pause and think, I realised how adulthood pales in comparison with parenthood.

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Transitioning into adulthood came with a lot of challenges and realization and then there's a phase that consists of more than self reliance but also being depended upon by others.
Depended on for food, provision, protection, guidance, etcetera.

This phase would definitely demand more than adulthood and definitely come with more challenges.

Finding balance in parenting would be a delicate matter that needs to be settled ASAP because it would greatly determine how a child grows, develops and how pleased they will be with their parents later on in life.

Too much protection is not ideal as it could make the child(ren) to be overly dependent and lack confidence in themselves.
Likewise, too much freedom could be even more disastrous, making children that are wild, lacking guidance and doing only what they think is right while learning from the wrong channels.

As a child grows, it is important for the parents to be as available as possible while monitoring and observing the child, learning the abilities, interests and tendencies of the child. That way the parents know how to gradually withdraw and give the child a sort of freedom under monitoring by asking for the child's opinion on some issues and allowing the child make some choices, starting with relatively trivial matters.

It is also important not to impose every damn wish of the parents on the child.
It is important to understand that the child despite being your offspring is an individual too and should be treated as such, especially from late childhood into adolescence.

Hence, finding the balance is very important and should be done early enough. Be present as much as you should be, not more and not less.

Admittedly, this is not a walk in the park, it has to be learnt through practice,intense observations, trials & error, continuous modification and even seeking advice if need be.

In addition, the parents should always do a retrospective analysis of the child's actions when handed some freedom. What did he do with the space given? Is he capable of handling more freedom or should he be protected more.

Every child is different, it is by carefully listening and observing that the parent would know how best to handle each child and bring about the best outcomes because there is no "one size fits all" approach to parenting.

It is also important for parents to know that they don't have all the knowledge and can equally make mistakes. Learn from your parenting mistakes and improve.
By so doing, you will build a healthy home and raise wholesome children who would be equipped to handle the challenges of life as they come.
Practice makes perfect, even in parenting.


Yo, Bye for now, till I pick my pen phone again

All images are mine


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Availability of the parents matters alot,don't be there just to nag or impose all the time, take time to listen to their choice as well,give reason why their choice might be bad not imposing they can't have that choice. You made good point here👏

Thanks dear, parenting needs serious carefulness because much is dependent on it