A compulsory medical checkup wouldn’t kill

in Hive Learners6 days ago

A compulsory check up for me wouldn’t be a big deal because I am the type that don’t go to the hospital at all through out the year, and even when I’m sick I still don’t make out time to go, what I do is I just go to the nearest pharmacy and explain to them how am feeling within my body and they sell drugs for me.
Sometimes after taking the drugs for a few days my I feel relieved from from the sickness, I stop taking the drugs and abandon it, this is not a good way of living life because there might be others things that a proper checkup would detect that we wouldn’t know about.

For some people, it might look like they’re forcing them or it might look like an hassle for them to go to the hospital for checkups just like me, so I wouldn’t mind if there was a compulsory day all over the world for checkups, honestly health checkups is for our own good, by not doing so we all only putting our lives at risk because according to the health organization, there’s a certain level of age a man would get he would be prone to having prostrate cancer, okay for example a man goes to the hospital regularly for checkups he would definitely find out about this on time, most people think that Its all about prayers of which is not, I know of a pastor that died out of prostrate cancer, now why did he die?

Unfortunately it wasn’t detected on time, and this man was more than 60years of age then, when it was finally detected, a surgery was done which was successful although that was what we thought , we even did thanks giving church service for a successful surgery, am not just writing this down, it was my mother’s former church pastor, and after the thanksgiving service the pastor died because the surgery wasn’t done very well, and I wonder if a pastor and a man after God’s heart could die of such disease because of carelessness then who am i?.

Back then in the university a friend mine, whenever she has her bath she would always feel her breast, and I always wondered why she did that, so later on she told her mum about it and it turned out to be a lump, that lump would have led to cancer later on but fortunately for her it was almost end of semester so when she got back to her state, a proper examination was done and they made an appointment for surgery, because the lump was at a very early stage and she was also young, she undergowent the surgery and it was successfully taken out, when we returned to back to school, there was a knife cut mark on her breast, my other roommates and I asked what happened to her and she told us what happened.

Now if compulsory checkups was meant to be the rules, some people would still be affected by it because they only believe in herbal drugs while some love to tempt God and only believe In prayers, its not a bad thing to prefer only herbal drugs or love to pray and cast out the sickness, but the main thing is to know what’s actually wrong in the system , so that we can know the type of herbal drugs to take or give and to also know if its a particular type of ailment that’s shutting down our system or its our neighbor.

Photo was imagined by meta Ai

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A compulsory medical checkup wouldn't kill the same thing I thought myself. Rather, it will help in detecting a disease very early.

Of course, you said it all